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…”He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!”;) …Heroes & Villians of the story…(11016) so far

………….http://www.liverpoolfc.tv : “Following the successful conclusion of High Court proceedings today, the Boards of Directors of Kop Football and Kop Holdings met tonight and resolved to complete the sale of Lfc to NESV ” (BUT, as I warned..G & H then opposed it) – it was anyway unwise for fans to gloat & celebrate as Supporters ownership is the only honest & clear future! – fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me (us) >? SoS-SL needed to put an injunction to investigate all the past years acitivities , freeze the club and the assets of all concerned, inc D. Moores ..until this is sorted in OUR favour..we are the club

The Liverpool echo & post tried to “explain” the recent weeks..here is my view looking at the “key players” however, maybe its nervous exhaustion by I found myself laughing out loud at some of the media & Lfc “spin” and I am still reminded of the images of the films “Titanic” mingling with “Monty Pythons Life of Brian” ..(although “Jaws” may yet be the sequel)

There are so many holes in the “stories” from all the “acting suits” in this scenario..I keep  coming back to the “Life of Brian on the Titanic” comparison – however when I read “chelski chappy chairman broughton ” talk about “New Era”… …another NEW ERROR comes to MY mind… broughton was only doing his (highly paid) job, and late at that..his & purslows involvement in the false removal of Rafa and some strange dealings casts a shadow..Ayres may be the only “clean player” in this bored-room scenario..and its still likely to be appealed..the words “out of the frying pan” come to mind..& we dont know the 17 millionaires behind J. henry (could be the KKK ,,Bush or Hicks’s family for all we know! 😉 ..!)

I feel whats come out of all this madness is the lack of ability of ANYOne to manage Lfc &  hope the situation is “frozen” -give global support time to continue with plansl, RBS should have backed us!

Heroes & Villains:-

John Henry – UNsure

He says this is NOT a “Leveraged buy out” ..but our global fan base (if organised properly) COULD bring in over a BILLION dollars p/a from match days;  souvenirs, replica kits & other LiveRbirD products or services..we shall see what happens now IF he reespect our CULTURE if he agrees or opposes Supporter ownership..& so on,
THIS JURY is still OUT!!!

…not really surprised that the sale to NESV went through…but this is not the end , only the end of the beginning…although I dont want ANY owner other than our own supporters, I cant see how “Mills Financial” (who took over the shares of Gillet) could have come back in the frame??? …
IF my house or car was re-possessed, for non payment of a loan and then sold to someone else, and I turn up afterwards and try to get the car or house back form the new owner -by paying the loan (late) after a court had confirmed the sale – I cant imagine anyone having any truck with me..or any “ordinary person”
IF Mills had succeeded , i would recommend EVERYONE in the world who has ever had a car or house re-possessed when they were skint going back & contesting …! 😉




Rafa – HER0


time to remember RAFA Benitez …at times HIS was the ONLY voice of dissent against Gillet & Hicks (& ..the “bored”..) and all the fickle fans who called for him to go, should hang their heads in shame along with G & H! ..come back soon RAFA ,
YOU will NEVER walk ALONE!..

Rafa was fighting on all fronts; broughton & purslow – the “bored” (the board), Gillet & Hicks (the “pretend owners”) , a lot of stupid naive &/or fickle fans stirred up by the english media who dont like a) anyone that stands up to them b) most foreign managers…………last season was a freak, beach balls & the worst ever injury crisis..Rafa was STILL our most sucessful manager since 20 years – and had made us feared all over Europe! ..
and we were stated BEST in Europe by UEFA early LAST year!

(hodgson isnt up to the job, whatever happens in the derby game, maybe the players will get fired UP by the “news” but roy is NOT “Liverpool quality”……I have NEVER before , in 40 years publicly criticised a REDS player or manager until hodgson.. his recent snidey comments about agger disgust me..) &  the Team have not played with the passion and enthusiam (and wages) that WE deserve ..and need most of them need a kcik up the backside!…they look for excuses..we supporters (or at least 1% of us) have given up a lot to show what must be done at Lfc, the players shoudl do what they are there for ..and show they care too…(if they do as they say in their interviews…)

a) Rafa brought World class ; Xabi Alonso , TORRES , REINA ..Mascherano ..Agger etc to Lfc (& Kuyt, Johnson & Leiva etc etc) & improved Stevie G & Carra’s game.
b) won the most games of any Lfc manager of the last 20 years!
c) in the 08/09 season Lfc were quoted as the TOP european team by UEFA

(some foul-mouthed idiots cant accept truth & logic, cant argue other than insult, simply repeat media BS about Rafa)



Broughton & Purslow – VILLAINS

I linked these 2 “bored” members together because they have contributed to the damage caused by TEXAS TOM & co..(actually JH is better described as a Yank – so dont throw away thos banners yet) Ian Ayres caught in the middle of meetings seems to be quite competent at his commercial job, SEEMS to be the only “clean” board member. (clean of major damage)

the LiverBird is NOT FREE yet…but one wing  is unshackled..some of the fickle fans that dont know what day it is , some even even made a group to keep broughton at Lfc!!! – cant believe it..must be a joke..
..- dont know why, must be some reaction to all this BS…, but I keep thinking of “pontius pilot” and his mate with the lisp (film “monty python life of brian” ) during the speeches to the press tonight …need to laugh..(!)

…this morning I just woke up (with hangover) and imagining broughton saying “theven thons of thaduses” and hodgson suddenly appearing behind the crowd shout “WELEASE WOY!” lol …

broughton is a highly paid chelski fan, he did the job, LATE & )badly, most of the time,the reality is that the lawyers & a clever QC (up against amateurism opposition) got him & Lfc out of a hole the bankers , yankers & martin dug with purslow, they forced out the most succesful manager weve had since 20 years, and replaced him with hodgson and sold some of our best youth talent bringing in older players…broughton Must leave the club immediately..dont be fooled by media BS!

i really appreciate Martin brougton,………………………..WHEN he leaves OUR club! 😉 ..with purslow, please!


G. Gillet (the “worst a man can get” ) & TEXAN TOM Hicks (“G & H”) – VILLIANS
(with Moores & Parry)

Theres a thousand articles explaining why they are villians so I wont waste time on them except to comment that they are a PRODUCT of the USA led “get rich quick & F**k the consequences mentality that is now “educating” the next generation..the selfish, step-on-anyone form of capitalist obsession with commercial & material gain produces kids that think IMAGE , money and “bling” is all that matters. and the people like Parry (the previous MD) and Moores who SOLD Lfc to G & H didnt care ENOUGH about who or how !

That a virtual CON (“leveraged buy outs”) are accepted business methods is a CONDEMNATION of todays society, local & global..I tried to explain.,.

mr M has a RED car..
mr H says he wants to buy it and turn it into a sports conversion
mr M agrees to sell the car for 200 quid
mr H borrows 200 quid from the bank, gived it to mr M , but dont have any money for the “conversion”
but the Car owes the bank (!) the interest on the loan..and the bank puts a time limit on the loan
sometime later the bank says ” the loan / interest is getting too much – pay it back now.
mr Sx comes along and says “I like that car” I want to pay for it
its agreed to sell the car to mr Sx
then mr H says “No its my car – and people want to buy it for more than what mr Sx pay”
but the bank want their money and if mr Sx pays for it the bank & mr sx are happy
(the car doesnt object, either)
then mr H goes to court to stop the sale
but the contract for the sale of the Car to mr Sx is decided by the judge as binding
– even if mr H pays the bank, mr Sx will be declared the legal owner of the car..
….or so it seems ! <smile>

p.s – except theres a million mechanics in the background who believe they built the car and its theirs! 😉 lol

p.p.s.- trouble is, mr H neglected the Car & left it out in the rain, and its gone “Rusty RED” …


Hodgson – Villian

They forced out Rafa, and I told (via email) “this is anfield” that a caller (Terry, essex) was surely Roy Hodgson in disguise? 😉 this is first time in my 40 years of supporting the REDS..I come out publicly against a LFC “manager” hodgson…I dont like the man, he is weak and his obvious dislike of a player who plays skilfull footy like Danny Agger is disgusting and disloyal, so roy, if you live by the sword , you wil “die” by it..so start acting like a Liverpool manager or we will have you out..never mind NESV!..

at least we are now looking better than h-t in Istanbul …need to move out MB & CP, and “woy” (hes not a LIVERPOOL manager) get the supporters share scheme developed globally and Rafa back …its the end of the beginning..(I celebrated last night @ the “Nags head” in Pg for a few bevvies with “mr freedom-wolverine” which accounts for the time it took to put this disjointed Blog together this morning)

they called me “Complete and utter delusional fantasist” 😉  !!!!  whats a “FANtasist” ? its got to be either one of your fickle Fans groups or a lemonade?..<smile> (mind U , could describe someone thats half supporter & half fan….!)

Fickle “fans” – VILLAINS

how naive many of  these so-called “fans” are..G & H are just part of the problem..its like Rafa used to watch for weakness just after we have scored, SOS-SL and the supporters are missing the biggest point of all, this IS when to act..otherwise YOU WILL NEVER OWN A SHARE!


it is wrong to celebrate & gloat when a) its not over, b) MB & CP are the villians who also damaged our club and WE supporters should have acted earlier to own our club, and must get involved (not just 1% of us)

only 1% of our fan base walked at all-if only 10%  had acted posiitvely before now WE would be owning the club (our club)

narrow minded and “media” conditioned “fans” seem oblivious that 17 millionaires are not as powerful as 1 million global fan base…if only most of them would get off their backsides and support full ownership we wouldn’t have had all this “stress” going on..WE generate over a BILLION in income , but all to ready to be lazy and give our profits to others, maybe many apathetic Lfc fans deserve all this sh*te for naively standing back for too long?

Fans didn’t appreciate that they can save for a share @ 10 quid a month or make a saving club to buy a share with mates, ?  a bit of effort but if  they don’t take the chance they may regret it later?

the only HONEST & Safe future “Life(Liver) Boat” for true REDS is a Global Supporters ownership..
mark my words…“fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me ” (or US!)

SoS -SL (“spirit of SHANKLY-ShareLfc”)  ….BIT of Both

MY main complaints against these 2 committees are

a) the DELAY in becoming aware of the incredible damage caused by the “sale” by moores to G & H
b) failing to EXPLAIN that DANGER to the LFC community local or global
c) failing to come together until this summer, (despite my proposal 2 years ag)
d) not “selling” shares in LFC as a great investment (do you think JH risks 300 million for “fun”)?
e) NOT entering a  SUPPORTERS injunction in the frame to PROVE we are truly a worthy solution.

SoS” ..sending out a messag in Willie’s name?

Some call themselves SPIRIT of SHANKLY?
I have to say, quite Frankly
that I think its a CRIME
(i ‘ll try to make this rhyme!)

apart from a march , posters
& a concert @ St. George’s hall
they have not done fecking much at ALL

Shanks would have taken control
taken foes by scruff of the neck
the Peoples man had courage
by fecking heck!

Supporters who claim “We are the Club”
let me tell you..
this is the rub..

Its up to global REDS to take command
not some brief, some lawyer,
or other hand..
his Spirit lives, here is MY tip…
in HIS name fight for (full) Owner-ship!!!!!!!!

..a simple injunction to freeze the club finance on the grounds of mis-management,(in the interests of the supporters & community at large) investigate all concerned –whilst register the 50-100,000 fans & celebrities collect their funds and start the Supporters tale-over..its simple BUT needs proper co-ordination and I am not in LP..

Extracted from

I) Letter sent to “ShareLiverpool LF” (Rogan Taylor) & the Chairman of “Spirit of Shankly”
(29th August 2008)

“Dear Rogan,
(snip) I Asked you a question in the Lighthouse theatre last wednesday about “spiirit of shankly” aims..(snip) I do not see any non-locals on either committee/board (SLfc or SoS) (snip)
“I feel a CLOSER presentation & PROMOTION (of SLfc / SoS aims) is VITAL (snip)
“The purchase of a share @ GBP 5000 may be felt too much for some members” WE have the facility…(snip)
(which) looks very do-able for many of the 100,000 global fans that we also perceive will support the supporter-shareholder control of LFC.” (snip)
“THE REAL marketing of the “LIVERBIRD” brand ….” (snip)
“Your offer (in the meeting) to visit us and combine initiatives is apreciated and I would like to fix some dates. (snip)
-“there are very many REDS all over the World that have equal PASSION as RED scousers”

II) PUBLISHED in “KOP magazine” (march 2009)

“I wonder if Spirit of Shankly and ShareLfc have done ENOUGH to inform (or even educate) the millions of fans worldwide about the OPPORTUNITY that perhaps more mature supporters appreciate?” (snip)
“we NEED dynamic management & effectively a GLOBAL persepctive, bringing the essence of SOS & ShareLFC together as  two committees could, I  fear (without insulting anyone concerned with good intentions) turn this potential derby-winning racehouse into a twin-camel.” (snip) I attended the recent meeting at Zeligs (snip) (snip)
“I for one, feel (and fear) that we may only realise how good Rafa is after he has gone. – The first AGM of SoS has NOT been adequately “sold” other than locally , and  is (also) my fear that the TRUE spirit of SHANKLY is already being lost before we even LAUNCH our “strategy”..ChriS SMITH (via email)  “


True REDS Supporters – HEROES

…….occasionally naive but a LOT of true REDS who gave up time & costs & energy & effort to fight for Y-OUR club ARE true HEROES…
amongst them ; “Fat Scouser” (RAWK forum) Jonny (“Black Shirt” = standards corrupted”) several @ “Kop Faithful” (Steve?) and other forums including P. Tomkins…certain supporters who helped SoS (maybe  Jay Mac of SoS) organise a march, concert, posters, flyers & travel etc and various individual initaitives, banners & such…may YOU NEVER walk Alone.

WE (Global REDS) even started to move on a “SUPPORTERS INJUNCTION” (counter claim) & “Class action” V our enemies..(past, present & FUTURE???)

a) This fight is far from over, b) MB & CP are the villians who also damaged our club and C) WE supporters should have acted earlier to own our club, and must get involved (not just 1% of us)

we should (via SoS-SL) have enough funds to do it – put in our own injunction to ensure OUR interests are protected and If we allow NESV to profit from our income then we really ARE stupid and get what we deserve = NOTHING!…apart from the benefits of combined action  (own media , forums & Kop Faithful/SoS-SL) should be promoting not only our protest but that with a global sale of Lfc products, match day, tv & other services, WE generate an income of over a BILLION, which make 500 quid (even available @ 10 quid a month via credit union?) a BARGAIN once-in-a-lifetime investment!!!

…often…the best form of defence is attack- a lot of global REDS are keen to join the global REDS supporters injunction/”class action” V Hicks & all our foes..through wind & rain…WE ARE THE CLUB!
although only 1 % of Liverpool’s global supporters have been “active” so far, we must not allow others to dictate our future – WE are the club..and need to show it as much now as at any time..WE should be taking the initiative making OUR claim via an injunction if necessary to protect OUR club from further abuse, by anyone!
…The” counter claim” ..which indeed is not a counter, as such, but should be a simple injunction to protect our club & global supporters from further damage/abuse…….

..could include:-
– the need to protect the community from mis-management or “fire sale” of arguably a “uniqueworld-famous cultural/heritage site” (Anfield)
– the various claims global supporters have against the ticket office & other Lfc departments
– apart from numerous complaints by UK fans, non-uk supporters having less benefits than local supporters/fans despite paying the same for fancards etc
– the overall & detailed damages to our club and global image
– etc etc..

…through wind & rain…WE ARE THE CLUB

!IF ONLY(Lfc football supporters Union) SoS-SL had come together a year earlier (as I proposed in 2008)…because in the last month only 1% of our million  + fan base “walked on”…at all-if only 10%  had acted before now WE would be owning the club (our club!)
take care, fellow (true ) REDS ..with hope…


…….. its not over yet, of course the mainstream and the fickle amongst us dont like “people power” but our society has been ruined by commercial/capitalist obsession and downright “greed is good , money is king” selfish behaviour , in society in general and particularly in football, Lfc are (still) the ……………

most succesful club, in the most important league , in the biggest game/culture of the global society, if we dont stand up and tell people what is right or wrong, and fight for (global) supporter ownership (and if ever a club should be owne…d by its supporters then its Liverpool football club) …..who will?..the apathetic person who has been “dumbed down” over generations by politicians & media?..

whether we E.L.S.U.N / SoS-SL  win a share or not , whether we get rid of the backstabbing “suits” or not, maybe just maybe our kids will see that its not all a case of “show me the money”..

“our lives begin to end when we stop standing up and fighting for our rights” – Martin luther King ?


some humour ….(with the merseyside derby bringing us back to “footy” )..we do need a laugh after this week of weeks!

a) everton boss David Moyes was being interviewed about how the rebuilding of his team was progressing.

“How far do you think you are from a European Cup-winning team?” asked one reporter.

“About half a mile”, replied Moyes.  ;D

b) should take out an injunction against woy playing poulsen.. 😉

(both taken from the much maligned, by me, RAWK! <smile> )



Remember..Rafa , he was at times a Lone voice, & badly treated…

time to remember RAFA Benitez …at times HIS was the ONLY voice of dissent against Gillet & Hicks (& ..the “bored”..) and all the fickle fans who called for him to go, should hang their heads in shame along with G & H! ..come back soon RAFA ,
YOU will NEVER walk ALONE!

RED October Strategy – part 3…”then they FIGHT you” (continued) Supporters INJUNCTION ; “Class Action”

….often…the best form of defence is attack- join the global REDS supporters injunction/”class action” V Hicks & all our foes..

….. on Kop Unlmited ; Shanks ARK group…through wind & rain…WE ARE THE CLUB!


another way of telling the “story so far”….. ;)


mr M has a RED car..
mr H says he wants to buy it and turn it into a sports conversion
mr M agrees to sell the car for 200 quid
mr H borrows 200 quid from the bank, gived it to mr M , but dont have any money for the “conversion”
but the Car owes the bank (!) the interest on the loan..and the bank puts a time limit on the loan
sometime later the bank says ” the loan / interest is getting too much – pay it back now.
mr Sx comes along and says “I like that car” I want to pay for it
its agreed to sell the car to mr Sx
then mr H says “No its my car – and people want to buy it for more than what mr Sx pay”
but the bank want their money and if mr Sx pays for it the bank & mr sx are happy
(the car doesnt object, either)
then mr H goes to court to stop the sale
but the contract for the sale of the Car to mr Sx is decided by the judge as binding
– even if mr H pays the bank, mr Sx will be declared the legal owner of the car..

or so it seems !

p.s except there IS a million mechanics in the background who believe they built the car and its theirs! 😉 lol

p.p.s. trouble is, mr H neglected the Car & left it out in the rain, and its gone “Rusty RED” …

E.L.S.U.N : “Global REDSl SuperNova ” : – http://www.mypod-net.org/SuperNova.html
My Story so far (compact) : http://www.mypod-net.org/Reflections.html

Global REDS supporters (via SoS-SL) – take out own INJUNCTION to protect…OUR club!?

ChriS SmiTH>it is wrong to celebrate & gloat when a) its not over, b) MB & CP are the villians who also damaged our club and C) WE supporters should have acted earlier to own our club, and must get involved (not just 1% of us)

we should (via SoS-SL) who have enough funds to do it – put in our own injunction to ensure OUR interests are protected and If we allow NESV to profit from our income then we really ARE stupid and get what we deserve = NOTHING!

apart from the benefits of combined action you (media , forums & Kop Faithfu/SoS-SL) should be promoting not only our protest but that with a global sale of Lfc products, match day, tv & other services, WE generate an income of over a BILLION, which make 500 quid (even available @ 10 quid a month via credit union?) a BARGAIN once-in-a-lifetime investment!!!
although only 1 % of Liverpool supporters have been “active” so far, we must not allow others to dictate our future – WE are the club..and need to show it as much now as at any time..WE should be taking the initiative making OUR claim via an injunction if necessary to protect OUR club from further abuse, by anyone!

until & after this is sorted , (note SoS-SL!) WE are the CLUB..lets show it!

http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/: “Following the successful conclusion of High Court proceedings today, the Boards of Directors of Kop Football and Kop Holdings met tonight and resolved to compl…ete the sale of Lfc to NESV ”

(BUT, as I warned…..G & H then opposed it) – it was anyway unwise for fans to gloat & celebrate as Supporters ownership is the only honest & clear future! – fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me (us) >?

SoS-SL needed to put an injunction to investigate all the past years acitivities , freeze the club and the assets of all concerned, inc D. Moores ..until this is sorted in OUR favour..we are the club..

out of the frying pan…..


.. 11h (UK time) RBS wins first round v G & H…

“chelski chappy chairman” martin broughton was only doing his (highly paid) job, and late at that..his & purslows involvement in the false removal of Rafa and some strange dealings casts a shadow..Ayres may be the only “clean player” in this bored-room scenario..and its still likely to be appealed..the words “out of the frying pan” come to mind..& we dont know the 17 millionaires behind J. henry …..(could be the KKK ,Bush or Hicks’s family for all we know! 😉 ..!

I feel whats come out of all this madness is the lack of ability of ANYOne to manage Lfc & hope the situation is “frozen” -give global support time to continue with plansl, RBS should be backing US now!

IF ONLY(Lfc football supporters Union) SoS-SL had come together a year earlier (as I proposed in 2008)…because in the last month only 1% of our million + fan base “walked on”…at all-if only 10% had acted before now WE would be owning the club (our club!)
take care, fellow (true ) REDS ..with hope…





CS>IMO, a simple injunction to freeze the club finance on the grounds of mis-management,(in the interests of the supporters & community at large) investigate all concerned -whilst register the 50-100,000 fans & celebrities collect their funds and start the Supporters tale-over..its simple BUT needs proper co-ordination and I am not in LP..

RED October Strategy – part 2…”then they ridicule you” (continued)

ChriS-EuRED @John_W_Henry – Global REDS union Network isnt rooting for JwH – PLEASE say bye-bye to all “suits” -only be happy with FULL supporter ownership

CS> posted on livepool post today (ref twit-er J w Henry)

“narrow minded and “media” conditioned “fans” seem oblivious that 17 millionaires are not as powerful as 1 million global fan base…if only most of them would get off their backsides and support full ownership we would nt have all this “stress” going on..WE generate over a BILLION in income , but all to ready to be lazy and give our profits to others, maybe Lfc fans deserve all this sh*te for naively standing back for too long?”

Help Save (himself) Liverpool FC (imposter) >
“This Red October strategy must sound great in your head.”
Complete and utter delusional fantasist.
Do yourself a favour and give us all a break.
I won’t be responding to any more of your posts as that merely feeds your feelings of self importance.
So good luck in your quest as the leader of the GlobAL rEDS or however you write it.

We’ll carry on sitting on our arses doing nothing but sniping at each other and causing more problems than H & G….
ChriS SmiTH i simply asked for an email address , so grow up & behave! ….I am not gonna take 4 days & fly thousands of Kms from “Monty” just because U want it that way..i will get to you when I am ready not before..but if we supporters lose this chance of ownership, i suggest you find a better place to hide than behind a “help save (yourself)” or Rawk anonymous banner, because although it wont help (“save Lfc”)- you & your colleagues are going to look very stupid & narrow minded, who just put anyone down that dont a*se lick your clique!!

p.s. whats a “FANtasist” ? its got to be either one of your fickle Fans groups or a lemonade?..
(mind U , could describe someone thats half supporter & half fan….!)

RED October Strategy

CS 11011>   what we need from tomorrow

– G & H out, with RBS co-operating with our Global REDS Suporters Union Network
– quickly followed out by broughton, purslow & hodgson
– no more “backstabbing suits” , fickle fans, bankers or yankers exploiting our club
– Global REDS Supporters properly networked with effective management running the club

I have written so much on this issue…but, IF we respect the original LIverpool way and want to keep the TRUE Spirit & ethics that Bill Shankly established when he took us out of the 2nd division and built the basis & mentality of what is now a GLOBAL iconic club..best know by the REDS Supporters as much as any player..then in a world of cheating & lying capitalism & selfish commercialism WE , the supporters MUST fight to own OUR club.

– its OURS- they stole it – if we have any belief in “YNWA!” we SUPPORTERS must take it over
– we have more than a Million fan base worldwide – if everybody puts even a LITTLE inside we have enough to grow this club
– Liverpool, match tickets, TV revenues, replica shirts, souvenirs & related products & services generate OVER 1 BILLION euros/dollars per ANNUM
– There is no reason to have business bankers or franchisers from USA or anywhere else taking charge (and TAKING PROFIT) from US
– A professional management could easily turn our club into a profitable global entity once again dominating local & global football

WE ARE the CLUB, if YOU CARE, get a SHARE!

…”first they ignore you”

Times are changing, will you stand by whilst others rule you, or will you change them? …y-OUR fan base of GLOBAL REds is in excess of ONE million people – if YOU dont believe that we can OWN Lfc then you dont DESERVE to call yourself a “Liverpool SUPPORTer”..if you want inspiation just remember what a little man called Gandhi achieved or the “half-time” SPIRIT of the REds in ISTANBUL>>>or, how BILL Shankly turned a 2nd division team into a World_famous RED force, that continues, even in todays dark times…

maybe the people around you, the media, and some “fans” will tell you it is “impossible” but if Barca, Bayern or Benfica can do it , so can WE..because IF EVER a CLUB was DESTINED to be owned by its Supporters then it is LIVERPOOL

….Impossible is not a fact.
It’s an opinion.
Impossible is not a declaration.
….. It’s a dare.
Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing


Since 2 years I have lobbied for & supported the now confirmed co-operation between “Spirit of Shankly” (SoS) & ShareLiverpoolFc (SLfc) and although I have criticised, they are now becoming effective, however WE have a much greater task to co-ordinate the network of facebook groups, forums and unofficial fan clubs WORLDWIDE,……BUT…a million x 500 Euros or dollars is MORE than enough to push Lfc into a GOLDEN future instead of the dark times we now experience..

Each supporter, fan or savings club , can obtain a share, if you have more funds this can become a Supporter loan within the credit Union and help our aims proceed, Celebrities, Ex-(or current) Players and those individuals with more funds than 500 may be-repaid once full membership is achieved. IF WE co-operate NOW, we COULD GENERATE HALF a BILLION Euros/Dollars within THIS Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add to that a future Global network of Services & products distribution that has NO competition and this “share” (apart from “UNION” benefits) becomes a valuable INVESTMENT better than ANY other, REPEAT: a BETTER INVESTMENT than ANY other ; a new LIVERPOOL Global REds network – properly co-ordinated ; Worldwide would generate BILLIONS, more than enough to build a new stadium and support the necessary team, to once again dominate local & global footy.

They forced out Rafa ; they ignored our call for Kenny ; we will force THEM out, and replace Purslow, Proughton and the “pawn” Hodgson with honest & effective management. The “office” of LFC will HAVE to co-operate with us eventually, and we are also “ready” to negociate removal of “yankers & bankers” on OUR terms not theirs.

YOU/WE have the power – power to the “group of people” that IS the BIG RED GLOBAL family, THIS is a “family concern” (remember YNWA!) – be concerned …
be involved – be progressive ..
……… IF you CARE – get a SHARE! …

ChriS SMITH/E.L.S.U.N (“Ko-0p UNltd”)
“Balkan REDS” , MonteNegro
Through wind & Rain, With HOPE in y-our hearts…on & on…

RE(d)Volution ; RED OCTOBER ; Black Shirts.
the story so far ; http://www.mypod-net.org/SuperNova.html
BLOG ; https://eured.wordpress.com/
E.L.S.U.N (local) ; http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=147504955260460&ref=ts
KOP UNltd ; http://www.mypod-net.org/EuRED-KO-OP.html

p.s.”First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” – Mahatma Gandhi”



RBS in its capacity as lender to the Kop group of companies received the benefit of various contractual undertakings from Mr. Hicks and Mr. Gillett in relation to the corporate governance arrangements that Mr. Hicks and Mr. Gillett agreed would apply to the Kop group of companies with effect from April 2010.

Those undertakings provided for the appointment of Mr Broughton as chairman of the board and the appointment of the chief executive and commercial director of LFC to the Kop boards.
As is well known, Mr. Hicks and Mr. Gillett purported to make changes to those corporate governance arrangements on 4 October. This was in breach of those contractual undertakings.

In light of that purported breach of contract RBS sought and obtained on Friday 8 October 2010 an interim injunction against Mr. Hicks and Mr. Gillett until a further hearing scheduled for tomorrow.

Among other things, that interim injunction prevents Mr. Hicks or Mr. Gillett taking any steps to remove or replace Mr. Broughton from his position as chairman of the board of the Kop companies or from taking any other steps to appoint or remove any directors from the board of the Kop companies.

The proceedings tomorrow represent the continuation of Friday’s proceedings and relates to breach of contract only. These proceedings do not represent steps by RBS to enforce its security or to appoint an administrator.

We are unable to provide any visibility on timing for resolution of these proceedings at this stage.


Title; no go Flo…so continuing story of “Life of Brian on the TIT(M)anic ….beware of JAWS”

BL:OG …to vikend 09/10.10.10

pg, Sunday 10th of the 10th of the 10th .

Title; no go Flo…so continuing story of “Life of Brian on the TIT(M)anic ….beware of  JAWS”

….Its Sunday Brunch-time (10h on 10.10.10!) as I write this from my room in Pg, (“Monty”) ..as you may read from my previous Blog-pod, I didnt get to Florence (Flo) I could blame it on the late info, the flooded living room and change of accomodation or the “boycott” but probably it was a collection of all those things, but having the time to reflect on the “manic” activites of the last week, which I already stated was historically an important time of the year in my past. especially my marriage to the wonderful Jacqui, who I certainly didnt appreciate until it was too late..
(a message for you all!)

John Lennon & Shanks

its only a short while ago we were recalling Shanks death..and John would have been 70..the 2 people who shaped me in my youth..and whose spirit stayed! no one like them around today..the people are dumbed down and become selfish & apathetic , scared & greedy…………..Theres a simple (but consequent way of life ..if you can “Imagine”


“Brian” & the “(dont) help Save Lfc..

“He is not the “Messiah” – he is a very naughty boy”…there is a dark side of brits & especially the media of bringing people down, and they can almost “crucify” someone who they perceive to be “too big for his boots” (arrogant, or even “confident) theres often no logic, some times someone “fits” others are seen as  “mavericks” and seemingly must be blocked, often extreme efforts go into stopping someone ..and if I was “Brian” i might feel that when H & G (no not Hicks & Gillet, but “Hansel & Gretel” on facebooks “Help Save Lfc”) have actually  the “saving” of Lfc, when I was trying to launch a “LIFE(Liver)Boat during the sinking of the Lfc Titanic ..

latest extracts…from facebook group “Help Save Liverpool Fc”…

That’s an interesting first picture on your page.
You might want to explain to those Italian Reds about the ‘Black shirts’ and your call for a boycott of Official merchandise amongst your GLOBAL REds as they seem to be pretty pleased with th…eir bags of bits & pieces from the club shop.
ChriS SmiTH>
hiya , Hansel or is it “gretel” today?…explain to you!!! ok,as i have missed our little “exchanges of idaes” … i will try, even though it might take a long (life) time to get through to a limited mind like yours, if you read it properly… instead of just looking , like a narrow-minded negative twerp , for something to put down..you would see that I tell the president of the Italian REDS of the boycott, and YOU have NO idea how much about the protest I send to the lads , say or explain to those lads -(who sent me the photo THEY took on their one-time only trip to Lp) ..they are NOW informed by me, not you, none of you, @ SoS / SL, “Kop faiithful” or anywhere else, have a clue about global strategy NOR the experience or know-how of HOW to EFFECTIVELY co-ordinate outside of “anglo-saxon/scandanaviam” regions so, instead of supporting what I am doing – and please show me any thing i am actually DOIng that anything other than fighting for (global) supporter ownership at the expense of removal of the “suits” -.(.i suspect you are a closet-suit yourself) .. you seem determined to undermine any positive activity of my own, ..U are simply jealous that U dont get such invites..pathetic!
Help Save Liverpool FC<repeated>;
Help Save Liverpool FC>
Thanks for that Chris.
That explains everything very clearly!
I can’t sleep at nights (in my suit), worrying about IF I will recieve an invite from you.
When did you tell the Italian Reds about the boycott Chris…….this week? Last week?
Mayb…e your strategy or whatever it is should have started a while ago and those Italian reds may not have spent their hard earned euros in the club shop when they came to Liverpool. It seems your EFFECTIVE co-ordination outside the Scandinavian/AngloSaxon countries isn’t as EFFECTIVE as you think if these lads were still lining the ‘suits’ pockets.
Of course only ChriS Smith has the know-how and the experience to draw the GloBal fanbase together, while ‘negative twerps’ like me just sit around mumbling into our red beer and wondering what to do about things….we really are pathetic aren’t we?
ChriS SmiTH>;)
your reply doubled…??? must be hansel AND gretel on “”duty” SAVING Lfc, except you have NOT (“saved Lfc”) so when doing me down just think how all that internal snipiing you & your colleagues acheived..
you are the “follow the gort” crowd …in the “monty pythons Life of brian s titanic” …and the sharks ate you all up…sad , really sad if only U had used all that bile in co-operation..you & your negative colleagues are as much to blame as G & H for our failure..give me your address and I will (not send a bomb, promise) send U a letter with proposals posted & emailed to Rogan & the chairman & several of SoS..but of course thats not interesting, because it doesnt fuel your “ChriS Smith’s agenda” paranoia!

help save Lfc> #
Ok Chris.
I’ll bite. You have my address Chris. I’ve been getting regular e-mails from you for quite some time.
If you want my home address that’s not a problem. Next time you are in Liverpool just let me know and I’ll give it to you in person.That’s not a problem I can assure you. Who exactly are my negative colleagues who are equally to blame for our failure as H & G and what is this internal sniping?

I can’t wait to hear this.

ChriS SmiTH>
thats so nice..BUT, before I answer , I have to know if you are “Hansel” or “gretel”..(previously the “Save Lfc anon” stated he/she changed ???)
(an office address will be enough ; email me with it or send me a private message via FB) ..in …the meantime,..<smile>

Моја порука свим пичке, идиоти и сероње који закашњења, оштећења и противе добре ствари –
“Понекад пожелим да се кандидује за маске, понекад желим да вриштим!
Не ја не тврдим да Висеман, песник или светац,
Ја сам само још један човек који је у потрази за бољи начин ..
Али моје срце куца гласно као гром за ствари које ја верујем! ”

Pete T> who the f*ck has 500quid these days…
01 October at 10:30 ·…
ChriS SmiTH> Pete, what planet are you on, dont you follow what going on?..the non-english speakers I can understand but SoS and my own groups have explained several times that a SHARE can be obtained via a savings plan from 10 quid…so dont swear on my wall!!!
ChriS SmiTH>  dont F***ing Panic! and dont ASSume that John Henry is a “saviour” …and a REd card to those who do think that any business man loves us enough not to want to exploit our name..the New “boot room” restaurant ..another example of how “wrong” the current Lfc hierachy is..the “boot room” was a cosy place where Shanks , Bob , Joe & co had a cuppa or a whisky and talked INFORMally about footy & all..Lfc take the name and produce a soul-less atmosphere..sh*TE!



STUPID, & Extreme sometimes almost “manic” reactions from people claiming to be Lfc “fans” damage our reputation as the most knowledgable in the World..

There are too many “fans” fed BS by the mainstream media  & the Lfc office “spinners” (not least some on FB deliberately false lobbying for the “yankers & bankers”) ..

(someone)>appreciate Martin Broughton?

ChriS>i really appreciate Martin brougton,……..

………………….when he leaves OUR club! 😉

hes a rich & lazy  chelski chappy who is paid a fortune to do something which he failed to do (sell in the summer) and instead allowed Purslow to force out our best manager since 20 years (Rafa) and replace him with a pwn and make players transfer which are now seen as disasterous,..

never ASSume that they (G & H)_are gone, or that John Henry (and the 17 ANON investors behind are good for US!) – fool me once – shame on you, fool me (us) twice – shame on me (us)

There are so many holes in the “stories” from all the “acting suits” in this scenario..I keep coming back to the “monty python s Life of Brian on the Titanic” comparison – however when I read “chelski chappy chairman broughton ” talk about “New Era”……another NEW ERROR comes to MY mind…

the only HONEST & Safe future “Life(Liver) Boat” for true REDS is a Global Supporters ownership..
mark my words…”fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me ” (or US!)

………………Rafa left us with some of the best..fight to BE..best in the world…

………….its not over yet, of course the mainstream and the fickle amongst us dont like “people power” but our society has been ruined by commercial/capitalist obsession and downright “greed is good , money is king” selfish behaviour , in society in general and particularly in football, Lfc are (still) the most succesful club, in the most important league , in the biggest game/culture of the global society, if we dont stand up and tell people what is right or wrong, and fight for (global) supporter ownership (and if ever a club should be owne…d by its supporters then its Liverpool football club) …..

who will?..the apathetic person who has been “dumbed down” over generations by politicians & media?..

whether we / SoS win or not , whether we get rid of the backstabbing “suits” or not, maybe just maybe our kids will see that its not all a case of “show me the money”..

“our lives begin to end when we stop standing up and fighting for our rights” – Martin luther King ?

Red Sox, Red hearts or “JAWS” ?   (Yanks out, not Yanks in?)

..in the previous BLOG-pod, a RED wrote about some fans rushing to bend over to accept the RAPE of our club by NESV, apparently the offer, led by a certain John Henry ..(a “yank”) …is being feted by people who should know better, the owners of the “Boston RED sox” are alledgedly backed by 17 ANONYMOUS investors..wouldnt it be “CUTE” if Hicks had got some of those SCRUPULOUS “hedge funds” to back that deal – so that “WE” wouldnt try to block it..?

They are getting this for around 300 million – WE (GLOBAL REDS ) generate about ONE BILLION eu/dollars per annum, so WHY are we standing by whilst the “Sharks” eat up y-OUR club?

so why get rid of ..

if we allow another …

“Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me (us) ”

11008 from liverpool echo/post;


There are so many holes in the “stories” from all the “acting suits” in this scenario..I keep  coming back to the “monty python s Life of Brian on the Titanic” comparison – however when I read “chelski chappy chairman broughton ” talk about “New Era”… …another NEW ERROR comes to MY mind…the only HONEST & Safe future “Life(Liver) Boat” for true REDS is a Global Supporters ownership..mark my words…”fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me ” (or US!)


all well & good graham, but how many players , adored by fans” support the SUPPORTERS aims to own the club?..all those milliionaires could have backed our efforts and in turn re-enforced the (Shanks) “holy trinity”..
hey lads next time after you kiss the badge – open your wallet!


maybe I feel sorry for rednapp, people in that frame of mind are addicted to the cash…what about all the ordinary people ; supporters & fan cheated out of the most important passion of their daily lives..disappointed kids & lads that travel half the world  like a pilgimage to go to Anfield, to be “dumped” on..?

Nice guy, suits , liars cheats & Fx4!!

Paul tomkins;   http://tomkinstimes.com/2010/10/nice-man-wrong-job/
(its as if  Paul is reading my mind..) most intelligent article of the week…(my blog excluded! <smile>)

worth reading  the whole …extracted with compliments to Paul…

“….The history of warning was there with Hodgson at Blackburn, and the history there was in Spain, too.

As soon as Rafa left Valencia they crumbled. Spectacularly. The players who had wanted him gone realised the error of their ways. Valencia overachieved massively during his three seasons. After, they didn’t so much find their true level as sink right through it.

If you replace a world-class manager, you need to get it right.

Roy’s Mistakes?

• Calling the players who lost in the Carling Cup the ‘B team’, and blaming it all on them.

• Not defending Torres, saying Alex Ferguson has a right to his opinion; that opinion being that Torres is a cheat.

• Criticising the fan protests. (He’s backtracked on these last two points, but the damage was done.)

• Picking a (virtually) full-strength team away in the Europa League, and expecting Torres’ muscles to be 100% three days later. I thought he was going to use the ‘B’ team in the early stages, as he did at Fulham?

• Not buying a striker; I know Rafa struggled to find one at the right price, but it was the clear priority of the summer. Aquilani was bought to replace Alonso, and was now fit; and so, instead of going for Meireles and then not using him properly, why not keep Aquilani and buy a striker?

• Leaving it to the 80-minute mark in several games to make the first change, when a result was needed. (One of the TTT subscribers sits behind the manager’s dugout, and said he’d never seen a Liverpool manager so passive during a match.)

• And do we really want to see Kyrgiakos as a centre-forward late in games against Northampton and Blackpool? Admittedly it nearly worked, but if we have to resort to desperate long-balls rather than try and play through lesser teams at Anfield, it’s a sign of grave concern.

• Alienating Agger. Potentially a world-class centre-back. But doesn’t fit Roy’s style, which involves not taking chances with footballers in defence. One of the best players at the club, but not utilised.

• Loaning out Insua and Aquilani, without sufficient replacements. (Might not all be Roy’s fault, this one, with Insua apparently offered to clubs by the Reds’ hierarchy.)

• Paying £5m for mediocre players who are near the end of their careers (Konchesky, and the frankly risible Poulsen). Paying £11m for Meireles – a very good player – and using him as a wide midfielder (albeit one forced to play horribly narrow). Saying Rafael Van Der Vaart doesn’t fit the profile of the kind of player he was interested in.

Biggest Error

And the biggest one of all: taking a team with players suited to pressing and rather than working with what he had, trying to reverse it. If anything was broken under Benítez, it was his relationship with Carragher and Gerrard, and one or two less-influential players.

The tactics were not the issue (look at how they were often successfully deployed at the World Cup) and maybe now people are seeing that.

Liverpool pressed high and hard – and fast from the start – and it suited Torres, Kuyt and Gerrard. It made it easier to create chances, because errors were forced. It gave the game some energy.

It now suits Samuel Eto’o at Inter: “With Mourinho we played on the counter-attack, with Benítez we press more and that’s better for us forwards because we win back the ball higher up the pitch and create more chances.”

Eto’o has 11 goals already this season, after just 16 last time. Torres has … one.

Last season I noted that Rafa was the only manager to get more than an average amount of goals from Torres. At the time, I wasn’t sure if it was just coincidence, or maybe due to the very detailed and specific advice Rafa gave him (which Torres said was incredible). Now, I’m starting to think it was mostly tactical.

Torres’ goal record in Spain was not the best; consistent, yes, but never above 13 from open play in a season (in one year he scored six additional goals from the spot). For Spain, it’s a decent international record, but not outstanding. (Spain also press, but they often delay the final pass; Torres needs the ball earlier.)

For Torres under Hodgson, it’s … one goal in nine games.

Now, he hasn’t been 100% fit. And it’s early days. But he wasn’t fully fit for large parts of the previous two seasons. And he still got 14 in 24, and 18 in 22, in those two Premier League campaigns. Often he was coming back from injury, but rarely did he look this out of sorts. Rarely was he so starved of service, so isolated; an island within Anfield.

Perhaps the new style of play doesn’t suit him? He’ll always be a great striker – pace, power, eye for all types of goal – but the tactics were always tailored to his strengths. Now it seems tailored to the strengths of Bobby Zamora.

Now, if Roy wants to change the team’s entire style, that’s down to him. But it can be argued that it makes more sense to work with what he has (or for the club to employ someone to do so), in a way that suits the players, than force his ideas onto them; especially as he doesn’t have the money to buy those who’d fit better into his system. (Not being funny, but right now, Emile Heskey would probably be better at what Torres is being asked to do.)

The style – which Hodgson has made clear he’s carried with him for 35 years – is being forced onto the players. If it works, great. If it doesn’t? Buck. Stops. There.

The next few weeks are vital in the future of the club, and so any decision can wait until that is resolved, and until after the Everton game. Win that game, and Roy might have a chance of taking his ideas into a new regime (if one finally arrives).


I don’t want to appear fickle, but can I really be that if I never wanted him in the first place? I said as much in the summer. I didn’t say that Roy would definitely fail, but I did feel that his experience at Blackburn should not be brushed under the carpet, and that his achievements at Fulham, while admirable, do not necessarily transfer to a bigger club. I looked at his low-scoring teams that eked out a lot of draws, and that included his previous jobs at Blackburn and Inter Milan too.

Yes, I continue to remain annoyed at how the world-class manager we had was treated. But that’s a separate issue to this. (Although the media keep merging the two.)

If you have to sack a manager, you find a suitable replacement; not just one who speaks perfect English and makes life as easy as possible for you. And you don’t try to reverse a successful culture (Spanish) for one that has more faults. After all, how many great English players has the club purchased in the last 20 years? And how many great Spanish ones in the last six years alone?

If Roy stays, and turns things around, I’ll happily hold up my hands. If he wins, I win too. But if he fails, and fails as thoroughly as he currently is, it needs pointing out.

It needs pointing out that the owners are a cancer, and that those running the club know next to nothing about football. It needs to be pointed out that some players wanted an English manager, who would comfort them. We needed rid of rotation, zonal marking; we need Gerrard in centre-midfield, 4-4-2, and a manager who celebrated goals rather than studiously taking notes. How’s that working out?

It needs to be pointed out that on the basis of his team’s incoherent performances and his own bizarre press conferences, Roy Hodgson looks like the right man in the wrong job.

“I’ve had two-and-a-half wonderful years (at Fulham) where nothing ever negative was said about me and my team. Now maybe people are saying negative things. It doesn’t change anything. I work the same way as I did last year.” Roy Hodgson….” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from: underdog> “He was appointed to steady the ship” -Keep seeing that, dont think its true, think it was as much because he wouldnt rock the boat and would be easily expendable if new owners came in.



well Mr hid-son, It seems to me you are weak in most weeks!
…like G & H, Purslow & broughton you just are not “Liverpool”..and like them should go now before you do more damage,,its only just past saptember and your next “hope” is for the january “window” the players we have need either a kick up the backside or inspiration/motivation..cant see that comeing from you! ..its sadder still that some “fans” still dont get it ..that you were only ever there as a “pawn” ….as another kopite (danny) wrote ..Roy has steadied it, most ships are quite steady when they’re sitting on the bottom.

& underdog> “was appointed to steady the ship” …Keep seeing that, dont think its true, think it was as much because he wouldnt rock the boat and would be easily expendable if new owners came in.!!!

what a mess ; its like “monty pythons life of brian ” meets “titanic” ..(with “jaws” lurking around the corner”)…..


Ironic Smiles & News of the Global REDS boycott & he is STILL “OUR KID” (El Nin-NO go!) ….

Natha > what does this photo represent?

ChriS SmiTH> ever seen “monty pythons life of brian” (film) Natha?…the scene fits some of the madness surrounding Lfc at the moment..the film is a totally ironic view of “the greatest story ever told” ..and theres a lot of heavy sarcasm, irony and sharp reflection of the masses. (particularly the knee – jerkers & “splitters” !) .it was banned in the USA about 20 years ago!


RAWK> ( Roy Hodgson’s Reign – The supporters view) >11007 Danny>

“He has steadied it, most ships are quite steady when they’re sitting on the bottom.”

pub talk>? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgmCFME6z9Y&NR=1

need a smile?….yes!!! …the REmen independent tv show;


pinksh*te? (cahill looks embarassed!) ..careful though, maybe they might embaras us again .(northampton, utrecht, blackpool , and ..neverton?)

SoS/SL direct action/SUPPORTER ownership




December ; Meets in Bucharesti & S-KOP-ye(Skopje)….

Филип Стојковски> really nice and we expect you Chris again this winter

ChriS SmiTH ok then get the others together & we can meet ..december??? can you organise a reds party around the “holy-days”.. 🙂


the Sharks are circling Lfc, runours of Citeh ( Manc light-bluesh*te rent boys) after Torres again..? boring
media BS…Fernando (“our kid”) must be “El ni-NO..go”  because (thanks to non stop playing for the last 3 years & his committment to a selfish spanish national team manager, causing continual injury spells) he has played less than a season of games in the last 2 years. I believe he loves & is loyal to our supporters and if we remove the “suits” sharks, yankers & bankers ; G & H, Purslow & Broughton and dont let anyone else take over except shares via true REDS worldwide he will stay, get fit and play score for the Global REDS , who love him

so lets keep on with RED October ; Black shirts :-

we shall be again..the BEST TEAM  in the World



11007..RED October (black shirts) part 2, then they “ridicule” you??

or rather do something RIDICULOUS , bringing in another “USA based sports franchise” …..instead of SUPPORTER ownership…but NO Surrender!!

Vik-end Blog 11007

007??  I have just moved to another part of Pg, (still in “Monty” for the time being)..the young lad who installed the Tv/internet connection in the room is called “Gerrard” ! ..I told him I am a spy when he asked the typical question of what I am doing..

well, at the moment I am doing this,,.my plans have changed and its a bit bleak outside so I am “happy” to write this to “all my fans” EARLY! ..well, I cant even claim my mum reads it, because she has gone from this world, and I just learnt that Joe Fagans wife (Lil) has too ,a particular week this week in my history //// my deceased ex-wife Jacqui would have celebrated our anniversary, and special events, good & bad always seemed to happen in the early part of October – the anton pillar of the S ^ S saga, and the Freiburg events as well as my marriage all those years ago, I am sorry Jacqui for being so wrapped up in my ambitions of those days that I didnt appreciate you, if its any consolation I think in many funny ways I now pay for the past decisions in these “lone ranger” days…<smile>

I have to cancel my weeknd plans to meet with “Italian REDS” (Firenze)

07 October at 13:19

as usual the “cia” or mr D(h)icks is disrupting my comms…please kindly let me know if this message sent by email was received../

ChriS>”oh amici, Nuzio , Francesco , Stefano et al…crazia ..for the formal invitation..

I have just visited the travel agents and everything is fully booked..(even if I travel via 4 cities) I am so sorry I wont be with..(unless something changes in next 24hrs)

its been (another) “one of those weeks” ..this is the first “quiet time” I have had since I got back from Lp – I have been very occupied with E.L.S.U.N union network / member / group co-ordination & supporter ownership/protest issues and then monday night there was a terrific rain/storm here and the streets were like rivers, and so was my living room!!!!

.. and I have not slept much since then , trying to stop water spreading protecting my belongings (especially my personal collection of souvenits ; Lfc match programmes going back to 1960’s when i stared supporting as a boy on the old Kop..In between I asked for confirmation of the invitation and I suppose I was too busy to chase it, and when the hotel said they were full, I put the matter behind me, I have just had to give up my accomodation and move to another apartment here..long story, but I really enjoyed meeting your young members and hope I can join another meeting (even though our union members “boycott official Lfc events” …! ,<smile> )

PLEASE make sure to be so kind to invite me again, maybe if possible with some weeks warning..so I can “pre-plan” and try to avoid disaters too <smile> I wish you all a very succesful & enjoyable weekend,

take care, with hope in y-our hearts”

EuRED Liverpool Supporters (overseas) Union Network/KOP UNltd
c/o “Balkan REDS” , Montenegro/Lfc Serbia, Balkans.


p.s. anyone going to Bucharesti?…or (?) maybe I can get you to visit on of OUR meetings , in BAR ; Podgorica ; Beograd or Skopje ….etc..

—– Original Message —–

Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 12:07 AM
Subject: Re: BcR 11005 ChriS-Nunzio Re: CORRECTED ??? FW: Chairman Nunzio (ItalReds) FW: R: BcR 10103 ChriSSubject: Meeting of LFC Italian Branch Re: Francesco Santoleri sent you a message on Facebook…

Hi Chris,
as other guys already told you, you’re officially invited to our Meeting of saturday 09/10 in Florence. The meeting will take place in “Ungherese Hotel” of Florence. Then we will go to have a dinner all together in a restaurant called “I’ Giuggolo”. For the night we have a quadruple room with a vacancy in this hotel, so if is not a problem for you to sleep with other 3 lads, we can assure you a bed paid by us.

Schedule of the week end:

03.00 pm : start of the meeting
07.00 pm: end of the meeting
07.30 pm: dinner all together
Sunday free

If you want other info//////////////////


“ironic night..I have been comparing the local & global situation to the “titanic” and promoting my ideas of Life(Live-R)boats ..and so a rain storm flooded my living room <smile> c’est la via, c’est la guerre.. 😉


………………….As you can see from my email & FB “thoughts” above, its already been a stormy week, and tonight (thursday -007) I am hoping for a quiet & restful nights sleep..
I had to move & to stay away from the rooms in Toloshi yesterday, the carpet was still wet and my clothes & belongings damp, its unhealthy to sleep there and I am concerned that another bought of rain would flood if I am not there, some of my (Lfc match programmes etc) souvenirs are more than 40 years old, and can be easy damaged by damp or condensation, so i have had to find alternative accomodation temporarily.
I therefore had to reject the suggestion to stay until January and in reply have returned the house key so that all your necessary renovations and repairs can proceed – and the owner can choose to rent to the “rich” construction company – I wished luck with them as I predict a financial “meltdown” which will hurt bankers and construction..generally.
we shall see, in the meantime , with difficulty , I have moved most of my things, the few things remaining can be placed with neighbour and I will contact him to pick them up another time.
I do not know how long I stay, or if i move soon to beograd or N.Sad, but I will return to Montenegro again.
I told the owners weeks ago of the flooding problems, and also last weekend, but at the time of writing 5 days have gone by and there is no protection from another flood, you will see inside there is damp still today, this and the absence of Tv/Internet and a risk to health & damage to my personal belongings means there are too many reasons to cause me to leave the accomodation for the forseeable future.
I expected at least an apology for the inconvenience & damages caused to me, but I wish to retain friendly contact and the damages are not so important to distract me from my “Global Reds” obligations..


“SoS” (Liverpool) react to “breaking news”


first the “pretending Chairman ; Chelskis Broughton does a “Q & A” ..

(CS> I commented at the time that it looks as if the “chairman” has taken over Lfc, he may as well have done, as the “chelski-chappy” has been acting like “king of the castle” all summer)

“broughton  take over ….Q & A”! …

Liverpool FC Chairman Martin Broughton has spoken about why he believes New England Sports Ventures are the perfect fit for LFC and why he’s confident the sale decision could be completed by close of business next week.

In an exclusive interview with LFC TV, Broughton also thanked fans for their patience during the sales process and outlined the potential new owner’s plans for the club.

Watch the interview now FREE by clicking on the image or read the full transcript below

Martin, it’s been quite a dramatic 24 hours in terms of the sales process. Can you explain exactly what the situation is right now?

It certainly has been dramatic. The latest position is that we have a sale agreement in place, we’ve agreed the sale to New England Sports Ventures, that sale is subject to a number of conditions like Premier League approval and other normal conditions. The specific additional condition is that it’s subject to confirmation that the Board acted validly in drawing up the sale documents.

Last night fans read a statement on the official website claiming that the owners had sought to remove Christian Purslow and Ian Ayre from the Board. What was the reasoning behind this and were the owners successful?

The court will ultimately decide whether the owners were successful. The reasoning behind it was that the owners felt we were reviewing two bids which they considered undervalued the club and therefore they wished to remove Christian and Ian and replace them with Mack Hicks, who is Tom’s son, and Lori McCutcheon, who also works with him.

We don’t think it was valid to do it. Essentially when I took the role they gave a couple of written undertakings to Royal Bank of Scotland. Those written undertakings included that I was the only person entitled to change the board and that was written into the articles of the covenants, and also that they would take no action to frustrate any reasonable sale. And I think they flagrantly abused both of those written undertakings.

You announced on Tuesday night that the club received two excellent offers. Why, in your opinion, is New England Sports Ventures the right new owner for Liverpool Football Club?

I think both of them would have been excellent new owners. New England have a lot of experience in developing, investing in and taking Boston Red Sox – as the closest parallel – from being a club with a wonderful history, a wonderful tradition that had lost the winning way, and bringing it back to being a winner. Their commitment to winning is what it’s all about there and they’ve extended it from Boston Red Sox to Nascar and other things, but Red Sox is the main one.

I have been meeting them now for several weeks in Boston, in Liverpool, in London, and I feel they are totally committed to supporting and getting the winning mentality back into the team.

Is their winning mentality the thing which has impressed you most about them during this period?

Yes. Their commitment is to winning on the pitch and that helps you win off the pitch too. The two are mutually reinforcing.

Fans have already got lots of questions, with three of the main ones being:

a) Will the debt burden be removed completely?

To all intents and purposes, yes. All of the acquisition debt that was involved in the current owners acquisition will be removed completely. We’ll still have what we call normal working capital debt and there’s a facility there for the new stadium which will remain in place, but to all intents and purposes all the major debt that has been causing our problem has been paid off.

b) Have the proposed new owners committed to investing in the playing squad?

Yes. They don’t want any hostages to fortune, very sensibly, so they’re not going to make any comments about how much or anything like that. But this goes back to the winning mentality. I think the demonstration is: let’s look at what they have done at Boston, what they said in Boston, what they have done in terms of investing in players – and I think you get a high degree of confidence of their willingness to do that.

c) Is there a commitment from them to progress the new stadium project?

Yes, there’s definitely a commitment to invest in a stadium and we will finish up with a 60,000+ seater stadium. Where they haven’t finalised their view is whether that should be the new stadium or whether there are still opportunities to build at Anfield itself. They have done both. The people involved have built the new stadium at Baltimore Orioles, for example, and at Fenway Park they looked at the two options and decided that actually redevelopment with all of the tradition was better than a new stadium. So they have done both, they are committed to looking at both very professionally and seeing which is the best option, but there will be stadium development.

Just to clarify, what needs to happen now for the sale to be finalised?

The key thing is the court case. We need to go to the court to get a declaratory judgement, which is for the court to declare that we did act validly in completing the sale agreement, and then the buyers can complete the sale. We have to get Premier League approval and I’m certain that’s not going to be an issue. There are one or two minor things like that but the key issue is the court, which should meet I would think next week sometime. That is the most likely time, in short order.

Can the owners block the sale of LFC to New England Sports Ventures?

Well, we have to win the court case. So effectively yes, if they win the court case they can block the sale. But then we may have one or two other thoughts in mind as well.

Could the sale process be dragged through the courts for months before a resolution is reached?

No, I don’t think so. We should get a declaratory judgement I would have thought probably by the end of next week, in short order. There is an appeal process but that is also very fast.

How confident are you that Liverpool Football Club will soon be officially under new ownership?

I am confident. I wouldn’t have taken the Board through that process yesterday if I hadn’t been confident. I wouldn’t have exposed everybody to that risk if I hadn’t been confident, but you can never be certain. These things are legal judgements. We have been properly advised and I am confident.

Looking back, how thorough has the process been to identify the best new owners for the Club and how pleased are you with the final outcome?

Ideally one would have had buyers who were not only the best buyers but also satisfied the owners. That’s what we were looking for and we haven’t managed to do that second piece of it. Has it been exhaustive? Absolutely. We have, first of all through BarCap, contacted every plausible buyer. The media coverage has meant that you would have to be living on Planet Zog not to know that Liverpool was for sale and so if you had any interest in it you had the opportunity. We’ve talked to lots of potential people. At the end of the day, with the deadline for debt repayment looming we had two bidders, both very viable bidders. I think they were competing, there was competitive tension there and I think that demonstrates that we have the market price.

Finally Martin, what is your message to the Liverpool fans?

Keep the faith. We said we would deliver the best buyers for the club and I think we have delivered exactly that. I know they’ve been frustrated by not getting a running commentary and I know a fan wants to know what’s going on. I thank them for their patience because I do believe the only way you really get these things done is out of the media glare and it’s difficult to do it out of the media glare, but we’ve found the right owners. I thank them for their patience, their support, keep the faith, this is going to work. They’re with us.

Author: Liverpoolfc.tv

(of course LfcTV selected “fans” questions..not the ones I would like to ask him, as his answers may get HIM arrested!)


The Liverpool Supporters’ Union, Spirit of Shankly have noted the
developments overnight at Liverpool Football Club. Leaving aside the
embarrassment of our Club’s ownership and senior management playing
out open warfare in public, supporters will be encouraged to see the
ownership of Hicks and Gillett possibly coming to an end.
However, we have been here before. In 2007. The identity and
nationality of any owners of Liverpool Football Club is irrelevant.
How they act as custodians is the most important thing and we have
seen previously that initial announcements and promises made by new
owners and the checks and due diligence made by those entrusted with
that role on our behalf have all been left wanting. This must not
happen again.

The supporters are not as naive as they were in 2007. For one, Spirit
of Shankly is a vibrant and demanding representative organisation of
its members and we will expect to see full details of how any purchase
is to be financed and what difference any new owners will make in
terms of recognising how supporters see the future of the Club.
It is disappointing that none of the potential purchase groups are yet
to engage with Spirit of Shankly and we would expect that to happen
now before any sale is concluded so the issues most closely concerning
supporters can be discussed. The supporters’ concerns are how they
propose to purchase the Club, how their business model is different to
the current owners, their measurable ambitions for the Club, the
investment they intend to make on the playing side, what their stadium
solution is likely to be and also their attitude in relation to
allowing supporters to invest and be represented within the Club.

Hicks and Gillett have not yet gone, and any excitement concerning new
owners will be measured by how they recognise the current atmosphere
and attitudes of supporters. New owners are not walking into a Club of
supporters with open arms, there will be one gently outstretched hand
of welcome while the other hand contains a list of questions that will
need honest and open answers before any welcome becomes more warm.

New owners will have seen the strength of feeling and the actions
taken by thousands upon thousands of supporters to get rid of the
current owners. That strength needs to be respected and acknowledged,
not through press conferences, photo opportunities and false promises
– it needs to be acknowledged by any new owners making a sincere and
permanent pact with the supporters that sees supporters inside the
Club and integral to it, not seen as consumers, stakeholders or
customers because this is Liverpool Football Club, our Club.

And finally, don’t forget, Tom and George You’re Still Not, and never
will be, Welcome Here.

The Liverpool Supporters’ Union, Spirit of Shankly have noted the
developments overnight at Liverpool Football Club. Leaving aside the
embarrassment of our Club’s ownership and senior management playing
out open warfare in public, supporters will be encouraged to see the
ownership of Hicks and Gillett possibly coming to an end. However, we
have been here before. In 2007. The identity and nationality of any
owners of Liverpool Football Club is irrelevant. How they act as
custodians is the most important thing and we have seen previously
that initial announcements and promises made by new owners and the
checks and due diligence made by those entrusted with that role on our
behalf have all been left wanting. This must not happen again.

The supporters are not as naive as they were in 2007. For one, Spirit
of Shankly is a vibrant and demanding representative organisation of
its members and we will expect to see full details of how any purchase
is to be financed and what difference any new owners will make in
terms of recognising how supporters see the future of the Club. It is
disappointing that none of the potential purchase groups are yet to
engage with Spirit of Shankly and we would expect that to happen now
before any sale is concluded so the issues most closely concerning
supporters can be discussed. The supporters’ concerns are how they
propose to purchase the Club, how their business model is different to
the current owners, their measurable ambitions for the Club, the
investment they intend to make on the playing side, what their stadium
solution is likely to be and also their attitude in relation to
allowing supporters to invest and be represented within the Club.

Hicks and Gillett have not yet gone, and any excitement concerning new
owners will be measured by how they recognise the current atmosphere
and attitudes of supporters. New owners are not walking into a Club of
supporters with open arms, there will be one gently outstretched hand
of welcome while the other hand contains a list of questions that will
need honest and open answers before any welcome becomes more warm.

New owners will have seen the strength of feeling and the actions
taken by thousands upon thousands of supporters to get rid of the
current owners. That strength needs to be respected and acknowledged,
not through press conferences, photo opportunities and false promises
– it needs to be acknowledged by any new owners making a sincere and
permanent pact with the supporters that sees supporters inside the
Club and integral to it, not seen as consumers, stakeholders or
customers because this is Liverpool Football Club, our Club.

And finally, don’t forget, Tom and George You’re Still Not, and never
will be, Welcome Here.


CS>anyway we are going ahead with E.L>S>U>N & the Global REDS initiative no matter who claims to be “owners” of OUR CLUB!


Snips & Extracts from Fb & Lfc fans Forums>

WOOLTONIAN>the “BEST DEAL” for Liverpool was to let STEVE MORGAN buy the club ( A Garston Boy, born and bred).
But certain parties who will remain nameless (and there were a few), suggested his idea of Floating the club on the stock exchange might lead to all and sundry being able to purchse shares (Including fans obviously).  At the time, no such groups such as there are now suggesting we the fans should own the club existed.
First on the list was to court Liverpool, was Kraft. Then came along Hicks & Gillette.
Making one mistake is acceptable. Making two mistakes is foolish.  BUT contemplating making a THIRD mistake is DOWNRIGHT FUCKIN STUPIDITY !
If we’re going to continue to jump from one fire into another,It’s all very well having Supporters Groups, and Groups that will fight for a better future, but only if they achieve the goals they originally set when starting up.

We are a Proud City with a history of direct action ie strikes for better conditions and a better future for others who follow in our footsteps.
Ask Anyone who worked in Fords, Dunlop, British Leyland. DOCKERS and others.YOU STAY OUT OR CONTINUE ACTION UNTIL YOU SUCCEED !!

Cracking Left Foot>I don’t trust anyone to do the right thing for the club any more.

eoa106>New owners, Purslow & Broughton out and THE return of a great manager: IN RAFA WE TRUST!

Chivasino>Best supporters in the world? You better believe it. F*ck off Hicks you c*nt!

scared_person>Agree that fan ownership has got to be the long term aim and something we should continue
to work towards.we dont need to own the club to be influential
MK>”If ever a club reflected what made football the biggest sport in the country, it was Liverpool with its ground set in the bosom of the labouring working class being led by a man-of-the-people idealist in Bill Shankly.”

JF>But does running American Sports franchises qualify you for running English football clubs? How do you know that you have the people who are running the football side right? How many British businessmen are running American Baseball teams?

Koplass>are people really this willing to accept new owners that they know nothing about (and who know nothing about football) after the three years of hell we’ve just been through?

RRD>Don’t let your guard down people.

Koplass>Once Moores sold the family silver we were headed for the iceberg.
We hit it some time ago, and the club is now sinking faster than we thought it could.
A lifeboat has appeared in the shape of this group who have offered £300million.

A>Do some people just never learn?

Garstonette> I don’t care who the owners are, what is important is who the NEXT owners are. If it’s anyone other than us, it could be disastrous. Get our foot in the door while the new owner attempts to appease the masses and slowly but surely get all of it.

“The owners are only there to write the cheques”B

B> i for one am totally shocked by the rate at whcih supporters are bending over and spreading their cheeks for more f*cking yanks to come in and rape our club.

Sk> re Quote from: Mook on Today at 12:07:14 PM

“I’ve got nothing against Americans, whether they’re from Bootle or Boston”

SK>I’ve never met any Americans from Bootle myself.


“I know that one trophy here at Liverpool – maybe the Premier League – means more than three or four with another club. This was my target from the day I came and it’s still my target.” – Fernando Torres.

Re: Broughton Takeover Q&A – From .TV


Re: Broughton Takeover Q&A – From .TV

StM>Its the PR offensive by Broughton now. Full and frank interviews with SKY and BBC

Quote from: jagroop on Today at 01:15:01 PM

Fellow LFC Fans, although nobody can 100% say what would happen in an eventual court case but can only state what is most likely with the facts.

Apologies to fellow fans who already know the workings of company legislation, but for those who need more info hopefully this will help.
Great information,  cheers jagroop
When forming a company the voting rights attached to shareholders and board members is written in the articles (rules) of the company which are called Table A. The standard version of these means that share holders have to ratify (agree) to the appointment of a shareholder. Any major decision requires board approvement and the chariman will have the deciding vote in the event of deadlock.

The two owners were therefore always able to block any potential sales etc. Also if one shareholder wants to sell then the other shareholder has right to first refusal on those shares.

When RBS decided to refinance they obviously wanted to ensure that the refinance on the condition that a sale will be actively pursued. They did not want the vetos (blocking power) that the shareholders had as a result of Table A conditions attached to their rights. The condition at that point was that LFC had to have a change of boardroom roles with an independent chairman who was the only one with the right to then make any reasonable changes to the board. MB was brought in and as a result to make this stick there had to be additions made to Table A conditions in which the rights of the shares was removed and thus leaving just one vote per board member with the casting vote with the chairman in the even of deadlock.

As MB has revealed the owners also made written undertakings. For those who have had legal dealing you will know a written undertaking is something the MUST be adhered to. An example is like when somebody is promising their lender that they will give certain information or funds by a certain date in a certain day. If they make a written undertaking and it has been drafted correctly and executed correctly then the person cannot go against that written undertaking without the express written permission from who they made the undertaking to. In this case if RBS waived the conditions made in the written undertaking then H&G would be successful in this challenge, if RBS do not waive the conditions within the written undertaking then H&G will not be successful. They will try to argue that by selling at the ‘low price’ it is not in the interest of the shareholders or the company as it devalues the club which is detrimental to the owners and the club.

They will argue the board have not discharged their duty in looking out for the owners and the club. They will try to argue that if refinancing took place with collateral against assets of the club that would allow the RBS deadline to be met and allow the club to function in other areas while also meeting their valuation of the club.

They will therefore say that due to not pursuing this line then CP and IA were rightly sacked for gross misconduct. Their whole argument will hinge on stating that the board have not acted correctly by blocking a refinance based on club assets.

Personally I do not think the argument is very strong although if you get the wrong judge on the wrong mood then the case could go against us as fans.

Also quickly about the new owners their significant squad investment will only happen in January as the new UEFA rules will come in force in summer which will put us in a strong position as all expenditure is linked to income. We are very profitable without the debt. Also this profit is all without ticket sales from a larger capacity stadium. If we are guaranteed a stadium of 60000+ then we are in a very strong position in terms of squad investment.

Sorry to all of you for the length in writing this piece and also if it sounds patronising in anyway or has caused offense.  I just wanted to give the correct technical advice as I am legally trained in Corporate Law.

I hope this helped.


TR>I’ll wait with partying till the ink has dried on the contract…

PM>Its the PR offensive by Broughton now. Full and frank interviews with SKY and BBC

I have to say Broughton is in “turbo drive”

CS>right now, wish he would “Turbo drive” off the nearest cliff, with G & H, Purslow & woy in the backs seats!


“We don’t think it was valid to do it. Essentially when I took the role they gave a couple of written undertakings to Royal Bank of Scotland.
Those written undertakings included that I was the only person entitled to change the board and that was written into the articles of the covenants,
and also that they would take no action to frustrate any reasonable sale. And I think they flagrantly abused both of those written undertakings”.

Finding a new owner/finance was their remit.They are paid to do this.Selling Liverpool was never going to be difficult.
The board-bashing stems from their abject footballing decisions.For that they can never be forgiven.Sure the 2 cowboys set us back big time but the footballing decisions have been equally damaging.Six points in 7 games is their doing.
You would shudder as to how these 2 executives came to be directors.I don’t have a problem with their business acumen but to get involved in football matters was criminal.If anyone needs a look in the mirror- it is them.No patting on the back if the deal is a good one.
I could take it a step further  and argue if they really had the fans’ interest at heart-why has there been no discussion of fan ownership participaton.I know it is a lofty ideal but they could have made themselves heroes.

And now a message from the National Apple Institute; .,,,,,,,,,,…….  F*CK PEARS!

Re: Broughton Takeover Q&A – From .TV

he seems very confident the deal will go through, then again I supposed he has to.
it’s more of a done deal than I thought it was when I logged off last night anyway.

I thought he looked very nervous in that interview, especially when the fans were mentioned, dunno if that’s a good sign or not.

As they so often ask in the States

You can take the mask off now, Broughton.


Lfc office “spinning” the players too..

LFCtv > Jamie Carragher believes a takeover by New England Sports Ventures would be great news for Liverpool fans.

The club’s Board have agreed the sale of the club subject to Premier League approval, resolution of a dispute concerning Board membership and other matters.

And Carragher told Liverpoolfc.tv: “Everyone knows it’ll be a good thing for the club.

“Hopefully it will be sorted sooner rather than later and we can start looking forward on the pitch and start improving results, which is what we need to do.”


OFFICIAL statement (i prefer the UNofficial ones!)

New England Sports Ventures (“NESV”) can confirm that their bid for Liverpool FC has been selected by the Club’s Board of Directors and agreement has been reached with the Board to purchase the Club.

NESV wishes to extend its appreciation to the Board for their diligence and their efforts on behalf of Liverpool FC and its supporters.

NESV wants to create a long-term financially solid foundation for Liverpool FC and is dedicated to ensuring that the Club has the resources to build for the future, including the removal of all acquisition debt. Our objective is to stabilise the Club and ultimately return Liverpool FC to its rightful place in English and European football, successfully competing for and winning trophies.

Since 2001, New England Sports Ventures has made successful investments in sports and entertainment properties. Our portfolio of companies, including the Boston Red Sox and Fenway Park, New England Sports Network, Fenway Sports Group and Roush Fenway Racing, are all committed to one common goal: winning. NESV wants to help bring back the culture of winning to Liverpool FC.

We have a proven track record, shown clearly with the Boston Red Sox. The team has won two World Series Championships over the past six years. We will bring the same kind of openness, passion, dedication and professionalism to Liverpool FC.

We are hopeful with regard to the pending legal and English Premier League procedures now underway; however, in light of these issues, we will respectfully refrain from comment or further actions at this time.

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Lfc.tv> …& now they go “spinning” the fans – where the Lfc.tv “office” go searching for the fff around Lp who arent gonna “spoil the party” ;-


CS>(one “fan” replied …”ANY change has got to better” ..how about changing into a 2nd division club?..or having all the profit generated by a million + fans being wiped out by the next “nice owners”
..the ONLY safe & Honest future is in the hands of true Global REDs Liverpool supporters = NO Surrender!


CS> “whats going on, Chris”?  asks Luka (Beograd)

ChriS SmiTH    07 October at 16:59>the owners of the “boston red sox” (NESV; new england , USA) have had a bid “accepted” by the so-called “chairman” broughton, however G & H tried to change the board members by removing Purslown (so called “managing director”) & Ayres (commercial director) – G &H wanted to replace them with T. Hocks’ s son & another hicks employee..broughton disputed this and G & H are contesting it in the legal court, “popular” opninion is that the bid (around 350 million euros) will be accepted and that NESV will proceed with players & stadium development, as far as I am concerned I would put all of them against the wall……the only future I believe in is Lfc fully owned by Global REDS supporters..

keep in touch when you are ready./..


what about Kenneth??..he has already Started a lets protect the development of Anfield group (referring to the NESV statement)- its like “monty pythons Life of Brian” except that seems
MORE realistic than our story,………….strikes me  that this is more like “Life of Brian ON the Titanic”

my reply

CS>…I also want Anfield protected – really it should be a “HERITAGE” site..but hold on, we have so many things to fight for, not least supporters ownership/share of ownership, now, because NESV are NOT yet “owners” they may win it, but at the moment its down to a court judgement..

…………just to close this “blog” with a..message , just in case you stop hope that your (iL)Legal contest will keep you in the frame..mr. T.HIcks…(Dick)


and “ally” wants to send thousands of abusive letters etc to the owners families…

CS>you & ally can contest that ..but my opinion is that we are all responsible for each other in this fight..and..I will ABSOLUTELY support & sponsor & participate in positive action for supporter ownership and protest – and that means consequent protest including boycotts that hurt them and are un comfortable to us like staying away from the games & walk-outs etc, and target those responsible, there are enough of them, gandhi proved that a mass of co-ordinated non-violent (more courageous) action will stop even the biggest empire , (virtually brought down the british empire to a stanstill) and that was with out the internet 😉 …the facts are true without using basic abuse, but I can accept that but thwn you start talkign about familes you tread dangerous areas and “do unto others”..comes to mind..
SUPPORTER ownership…but NO Surrender!! …because…..

RED October Strategy – part 1…”first they ignore you”

RED October Strategy – part 1…”first they ignore you”

Times are changing, will you stand by whilst others rule you, or will you change them? …y-OUR fan base of GLOBAL REds is in excess of ONE million people – if YOU dont believe that we can OWN Lfc then you dont DESERVE to call yourself a “Liverpool SUPPORTer”..if you want inspiation just remember what a little man called Gandhi achieved or the “half-time” SPIRIT of the REds in ISTANBUL>>>or, how BILL Shankly turned a 2nd division team into a World_famous RED force, that continues, even in todays dark times…

maybe the people around you, the media, and some “fans” will tell you it is “impossible” but if Barca, Bayern or Benfica can do it , so can WE..because IF EVER a CLUB was DESTINED to be owned by its Supporters then it is LIVERPOOL

….Impossible is not a fact.
It’s an opinion.
Impossible is not a declaration.
….. It’s a dare.
Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.

you may only be ONE but you are ONE in a MILLION, and remember “WE are LIVERPOOL” – WE are the CLUB!..so whilst y-our (SoS/SLfc, Help Save Lfc, Kop Faithful)  friends in LIVERPOOL are progressing with protest & ownership methods, what can you do?..if you are a member of E.L.S.U.N , or member of an unofficial club or just a lover of LIVERPOOL, maybe you are a single “poor” member of OUR GLOBAL REdS family?
WHAT can you do?

Proposed do’s & donts…

– DO BOYCOTT all official/unoffcial LFC products, merchandise & services, until Supporters ownership is agreed
– DONT insult people or act with violence
– DO wear “We ARE the CLUB”  or “Standards Corrupted” Shirts if YOU have them, otherwise wear a plain BLACK shirt, whenever possible.
– DONT be distracted by media “rumours” of financial saviours or G & H etc, it does NOT matter what THEY do, but what WE do!
– DO tell “rogue traders” (who sell “unofficial” merchandise) to join this protest – we can bring them in the network in the future.
– Dont save up in banks – save 10 euros, dollars or pounds per month @home – the Global REds Credit Union will help you get your share.
– DO make (peaceful) protests, at stadia, official shops & against G & H, RBS or Barclays bank branches and take your money OUT of their hands.


Since 2 years I have lobbied for & supported the now confirmed co-operation between “Spirit of Shankly” (SoS) & ShareLiverpoolFc (SLfc) and although I have criticised, they are now becoming effective, however WE have a much greater task to co-ordinate the network of facebook groups, forums and unofficial fan clubs WORLDWIDE,……BUT…a million x 500 Euros or dollars is MORE than enough to push Lfc into a GOLDEN future instead of the dark times we now experience..

Each supporter, fan or savings club , can obtain a share, if you have more funds this can become a Supporter loan within the credit Union and help our aims proceed, Celebrities, Ex-(or current) Players and those individuals with more funds than 500 may be-repaid once full membership is achieved. IF WE co-operate NOW, we COULD GENERATE HALF a BILLION Euros/Dollars within THIS Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add to that a future Global network of Services & products distribution that has NO competition and this “share” (apart from “UNION” benefits) becomes a valuable INVESTMENT better than ANY other, REPEAT: a BETTER INVESTMENT than ANY other ; a new LIVERPOOL Global REds network – properly co-ordinated ; Worldwide would generate BILLIONS, more than enough to build a new stadium and support the necessary team, to once again dominate local & global footy.

They forced out Rafa ; they ignored our call for Kenny ; we will force THEM out, and replace Purslow, Proughton and the “pawn” Hodgson with honest & effective management. The “office” of LFC will HAVE to co-operate with us eventually, and we are also “ready” to negociate removal of “yankers & bankers” on OUR terms not theirs.

YOU/WE have the power – power to the “group of people” that IS the BIG RED GLOBAL family, THIS is a “family concern” (remember YNWA!) – be concerned …
be involved – be progressive ..
……… IF you CARE – get a SHARE! …

ChriS SMITH/E.L.S.U.N (“Ko-0p UNltd”)
“Balkan REDS” , MonteNegro
Through wind & Rain, With HOPE in y-our hearts…on & on…

RE(d)Volution ; RED OCTOBER ; Black Shirts.
the story so far ; http://www.mypod-net.org/SuperNova.html
BLOG ; https://eured.wordpress.com/
E.L.S.U.N (local) ; http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=147504955260460&ref=ts
KOP UNltd ; http://www.mypod-net.org/EuRED-KO-OP.html

p.s.”First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” –   Mahatma Gandh


“IF you CARE, Get a Share”…

.. woy is the wrong man sitting in Rafas seat ….
(I have such a BIG respect for Rafa, and almost none for a man who was placed in his seat by liars & cheats!)

There are special times in our history when off-field events dwarf the on field footy ..Shanks leaving ; his death; Heysel, HillsBOROUGH ; Kenny departing and…NOW..the Liverpool-supernova-is-a-universal-event-the-story-so-far/


“Liverpool SuperNova” …is a Universal event…the story so far…

…my version of recent events leading up to the move by Global LIVERPOOL supporters to take over Liverpool Football club and take back football as the game of the PEOPLE..for y-our childrens sake support this initiative..

the story so far…


WE are the Club, take back the game from the “suits” …”IF YOU CARE…GET a SHARE!”

“THis IS the End of the Beginning – if you CARE get y-OUR share!” (septemBAR 2010 -part 2)

“Oh Campione
The one and ONLY
we’re liverpooooolll
we are gonna be the owners and we’ll kick you out the door
the GLOBAL RED supporters gonna make it like before”

“IF YOU CARE – buy a share” …Support Global REDS via E.L.S.U.N


“A group of PEOPLE”…(if you care – OWN a share”

“A group of PEOPLE”…
“Nice” mr. H has said..
“A group of PEOPLE”…is all we are
people coloured LIVERPOOL RED!

“A group of PEOPLE”…
who pay Y-OUR way
often treated like sh*te
…when we come TOGETHER
watch how we can FIGHT

“A group of PEOPLE”…
who FEEL the lyrics “Y.N.W.A..”
& SUPPORT “through wind & rain”
WE like to sing & shout

“A group of PEOPLE”
who hate the liars & “suits”
expecting YOU to be FAIR
.. coming together around the WORLD

..if you CARE – oWN a SHARE

…..”I m IN”?…well I have always been” IN”

As I start to write  “September 2010 , part 2” (on the EvE of RED OCtober – Black shirt) ..waiting for the (now know to be positive!)  result of vote of the EGM saturday …as there have been a number of “specials” and with this new “wordpress” BLOG format ..i will pick out “highlights” ..things said & done…before proceeding of course..

(from the “Liverpool Post” Ref lawro on “pressure on Hodgson” …another “expert” ex-lfc “pundit” who knows nothing about management, hodgson had a lot of sympathy but when he refers to 50,000 Liverpool supporters as “that group of people” he really dont know what day it is, he is the pawn of the current Lfc office and hes taken the wrong stance..

Utrecht 0 – Lfc 0 ..(Europa League) …..Dirk goes back home to the club that made him a “pro”..

really I dont  see any method in his madness, sure the players are failing, but there seems to be none of the “man-management” & tactical discipline the BS assured us that “woy” would bring…I make no apologies for NOW (after 40 years) breaking my loyalty to the “holy trinity” of Liverpools bond between players, manager & supporters..Hodgson is a pawn of the “suits” he is sittign in Rafa s chair placed there by cheats & liars , I  did not clearly voice my lack of empathy, until ..he showed a lack of respect for this “group of people”….

10930..writing the “statement of intent”…


October RE(d)Volution ; RED October ; Black shirts

E.L.S.U.N “Statement of Intent” (CS10930)

Significantly on May 1st , 2000, I formed “Freedom & Union” within the articles of the council of europe (ECHR) , at that time my main aim was to enable EQUAL rights & free people unfairly disadvantaged throught europe, whether residents or refugees, I have now agreed that  E.L.S.U.N ; EuRED Liverpool Supporters (overseas) UNION NETWORK may use those basic “aims & objectives; equal rights ; ” to equalise the status of GLOBAL LIVERPOOL SUPPORTERS.

despite certain criticism, I am a current Member of both “SoS” & “SLfc” and in fact proposed a collective/dynamic organisation between them almost 2 years ago!

I have recommended voting in favour of the resolutions presented at their EGM 25th September 2010.  However, I have experienced personally that the organisation is not yet set up to EQUALLY enable all rights deserved by each & every Global member; Having personally lodged multiple complaints @ Lfc. since 10 years for myself & for  our Network of UNofficial Supporters & fan clubs it is clear however that E.L.S.U.N should co-operate with SoS-SL and other groups (Kop Fathful ; G & H OUT! ; “Help Save Lfc” whenever & wherever it makes sense.

SoS have already significant branches in the “Anglo-Saxon/sSandanavian” regions where perhaps the income is much higher than our members in central/southern europe/eastern europe/balkans; asia, india & africa etc; and the criteria & participation is much harder to meet. WE DO NOT want a new (“rich”) owner/owners..

Therefore to clarify y-OUR focus:

* to ENSURE the “voice” Of “Global REds” and their EQUAL RIGHTS during the process of SUPPORTER owned Lfc
(we agree in principle to the main aims of SoS/SL

* as the CREDIT UNION is unavailable to OUR Gllobal (non-UK) members ; to OFFER similar facilities to ALL Global REDS wherever they are situated.

AS WE ONLY want a SUPPORTERS owned club …we will fight against any one who attempts to own OUR club, & ANY OTHER situation now and in the future!

* to fulfill the strategy ; with the slogan “if you CARE, OWN a SHARE…!”

* to provide a share to EACH of our members @ 500 EUROS per share

* to enable a form of “credit union”  to enable disadvantaged members to save up, alone or in “saving clubs”

* MY Strategy..

TO fight the people who exploit YOU…and to place football clubs in the hands of the TRUE supporter, he or she that TRULY deserves it…

a) Our global supporters network will boycott any bank or corporation’s products who oppose TRUE Supporter ownership.
b) & will boycott certain matches & encourage Global supporters/ex/&/players participation
c) will continue the “G & H not wanted anywhere ” campaign , changing the target to banks or relevant corporations who back those who oppose us publicly; support non-violent protests, ENTHUSIASTIC peaceful resistance, (alternative shirts & promote alternative products)
d) IF necessary ; cause the LIQUIDATION of the trading / holding companies who oppose us (that begins with the various G & H companies; Kop football/holdings)
e) IF necessary ; finally instruct barristers to obtain an INJUNCTION (anton pillar mareva ) to FREEZE the activities of the club pending a full investigation of previous /Current “owners” & officers (alledged fraudulent) activity

and ; something “emotional” which is beyond pragmatic explanation…TO UPHOLD “Shanks’ LIVERPOOL WAY” and restore the warmth & friendship within a dynamic global force of supporters.

“if you care, buy a share…!

email; (via) ;  ball_can_reds@mypod-net.org

ChriS SmiTH Hiya Hugo, I only just got back from LP (v sunderland) we had probably the most important meeting ever in the history of Lfc supporters & shall proceed to BUY OUT /IN the name of LIVERPOOL supporters ; our aim is to own LFC!..and I have to now get the Global Reds organised ..so I am too busy (still in “monty” so its not a “quick trip” as there are no easyjet connections direct to schipol..(i use dubrovnik sometimes as there are only scheduled flights from Pg..
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Good to hear the dream is finaly getting form! So it’s a real possibility?! Nice!! Did you see the game yesterday from us against the wankers of tottenham? They were lucky the reff was awfull!
How much money do you need to get in total to buy the Board out?
ChriS SmiTH>no I was hoping valencia would beat the mancs – valencia were all over MU but typically mancs scored at the end, I was hoping you would beat spurs but you can do it in enchede? if not maybe we see you in the EL

…….its not(only)  the board, but its a case of sorting out either the yankers or the bankers lots of negociation & BS going on, the media inflate every rumour , its ridiculous, we had a protest last saturday 9000 of us stayed behind in the stadium and we made our own shirts so we boycott the official shop,..more demos to come ..how much ?…anything from Zero to 500,million..! but we will “mobilise” the million + global fan base at a share cost of e500 each, it will be a good investment when we clear out the sh*te and manage the club properly – then its worth a billion!

the media NOW start to mention the “protest” movement but avoid the Issue of SUPPORTERS ownership, 50,000 already registered and our global network can multiply that x 20 …@ 500 per share we are the ONLY solution for the club, and when the media, the “pundits”  the yankers & the bankers , and even some “fickle fans” finally realise that we can move away from the stream of mis-informed BS!

The Most important (negative) date of this month…29th September…


thanks Shanks, thanks Tosh, chokes me up just to watch it, loved him to bits thanks to Shanks for all he did, which must not be ruined by corporate vultures, bankers & fickle fans… WE ONLY want a SUPPORTERS owned club …and will fight against any one who attempts to own OUR club & ANY OTHER situation now and in the future , we ARE the “group of people” WE ARE THE CLUB, if you care, buy a share…!

…(CS10929) 29 years after his departure from this earth – some people are waking up to the TRUE “Shanks SPIRIT”…demonstrations against the “culture of capital” & co-operation between REds WORLDWIDE, Determination, courage; commitment, dynamic & creative FIGHTING SPIRIT …now perhaps the “Shankly Banner” will not just be words…ACTION will speak louder, and louder until this world turns to Justice for all.. WE ONLY want a SUPPORTERS owned club …and will fight against any one & ANY OTHER situation now and in the future who attempts to own OUR club, we ARE the “group of people” WE ARE THE CLUB, if you care, buy a share…!

Shanks was my mentor, Lennon my inspiration, Soul my music Ghandi a teacher, Mandela & Biko my leaders, the REds are my adopted global family, as I have become a UNiversal Alien-gypsy..a natural npt-for-profit organiser & Strategic networking co-ordinator ; captain of the team that combines the collective with individual initiative; create – inspire then …see what comes next..
…with HOPE in y-our heart – Never walk, drink, play alone…but be your own! <smile> 😉



spent the morning on  Bill Shankly tributes, then sort out ….

http://eured-zreds09-10.spaces.live.com/blog/  is NOW on https://eured.wordpress.com

about Emlyn Hughes (commenting on a photo of Enlyn signing for Lfc in my FB “Shanks 50 album )

Earl Mulligan>A great day for Liverpool Football Club…signing one of its favorite sons here.
ChriS SmiTH>agreed, my favourite player , I used to play for the local team , always picked the 8 shirt and dreamed of being EM , crazy horse ; the best ever captain of Liverpool
Earl Mulligan> Sadly I wasn’t around when Emlyn was playing but i’ve read up & watched loads of videos on him and without a doubt the best captain of Liverpool…tbh his the one player that truly stands out during Shanks & Paisleys days.great players.legend.
ChriS SmiTH> imagine lifting the European cup TWICE! ?..he had so much energy and all-round ability, sure Stevie is the most complete player, probably today, but emlyn had such an energy & enthusism that could lift other players, not only encouragement but by mentality he was shanks spirit on the pitch, never forget his goal (1968 ) I think when he picked up the ball on our pen area and just ran AT spurs …with the energy & power and then lashed it past a world-glass goalie (Jennings)..would be the first player in my hall of fame..



Dear Sam, (secretary of SoS..supporters Union)

I am ironic, but it came to mind when I received this invitation to the EGM, the scene from the (monty python) film “Life of Brian” ..when Brian is being crucified and Reg & the “committee” decide to hold a meeting…

my additions to the agenda come in the form of “motions” 😉

Motion 1.. This meeting comes at a time of real CRISIS that “ShareLiverpoolLFC” should co-join or we risk further time delay if proposals from this meeting have to be presented to SLFC later on.

Motion 2.  This meeting (or at least future meetings)  should NOT take place in a bar/pub where alchohol is served if we want the World (potential members and our adversaries) to see us as a “serious” organisation capable of taking over club that may be valued as a global enterprise of around Billion euros.

Motion 3. That “we” (via SoS/SLFC) take out a winding up order against “kop football/holdings” (the company of G & H claiming to “own Lfc” ) to
– freeze payments to the banks (releasing income to be used for profitable CLUB development
– enforce a declaration of the “deal” between D. Moores & G & H to be declared null & void! (resulting in a repayment to D. Moores & the removal of G & H)
– the removal of C. Purlsow & C. Broughton who have not acted in our best interests or in the interests of the community.

(if the “bored” refuse an “anton pillar moreva injunction” will liquidate their companies and investigate all personal assets & dealings via the high courts!)

Motion 4. That “we” purchase 100% control of “LFC” from David Moores via a 10 year payment schedule. (no need for bank involvement as we have sufficient global income)

Motion 5 . The “debts” are resolved by a deal with the current “bankers” who gain 25% of the  supporters shareholding company ; shares are FAIRLY obtained by Lfc supporters local & global on an equal basis. (this process to be voted on at the next EGM)

(all 5 motions are join & several)

as an add..

I wonder (considering his recent testimonial puts him in the public eye) if Carra and the rest of current & ex-players have received a written invitation from SoS/SLfc to join “save Lfc” and our supporters buy out/in?

ChriS SMITH (member 970)

“Balkan REDS”
EuRED Liverpool (overseas) SUPPORTERS UNION Network
S47, Toloshi,
81102 Podgorica
email;  ball_can_reds@mypod-net.org

Help Save Liverpool FC wrote>
“All very nice quotes Chris.
Let me keep it simple for you though as you never fail to go on a rant without addressing any point made to you.Tell us all What contribution have you made to the fight for our club?
What success have you had that is so much more valid than anything anyone else has done?
There you go.2 questions. Nice and simple.”

CS>yes “simple” (but obviously devisive) like you, but what sort of “arrogance” has running this little group given you? , that a “liliputian” (not Liverpudlian) like you thinks that you can “interogate”me? I dont have to justify myself to ANYone , least of all, one as limited as you …you mean nothing to me, if you want to know about me, take some time, educate yourself & read my “blog” ..i wont waste one minute more than i want to “explaining”…i suppose you dont consider for a moment that whilst you are doing your best to “put me down”  that should I indeed “walk away” one day in the future you will realise that I indeed AM the one person who could & should “save Lfc” …but once again, you and your RAWK/SoS/SLfc “colleagues” are “simply” proving yourself to be SIMPLE……fools!

“.everywhere people are apathetic, they stand by whilst the USA & its poodles violate almost every Human right thats exists & the greek goverment (“home of democracy”?) “bans” workers & truckers from striking???? , another basic human right to withdraw ones labour and to gather together in peaceful opposition is VIOLATED.the french do the sort of things to “gypsies” that caused a conflict  calld “World War 2 /holocaust”… in today”new world order” the government officials are criminals, almost everywhere! …people wake up! is the “enemy ” the people who are of a different colour, creed, race or nation – tribe ?…or is it the people that “make the rules” ????”


late in bed woke early , bit overweight, so back on running – spent all day on the E.L.S.U.N report of the SoS/SLfc EGM and transferred all the BLOG to https://eured.wordpress.com


up until 04hrs catching up on emails & facebook (discussion with Sean)

……….about You’ll Never walk alone”…(YNWA!)

this song is maybe 100 years old from a musical written by rogers & hammerstein..

in the 1960’s a LIVERPOOL music group called “Gerry & the Pacemakers” released the song, and it became a famous HIT ; the Lead singer (Gerry Marsden) was born in Liverpool and (is still) a famous Liverpool fan,  the famous supporters on the “KOP” end of the stadium decided to ADOPT this song as the supporters “anthem” ..

and so did Celtic fans…the fact that a LIVERPOOL supporter made it FAMOUS and popular world wide makes it OUR song..and intelligent or knowledgable fans & supporters WORLDWIDE accept that this song (YNWA!) is the song of LIVERPOOL supporters..

and no matter what your “friends” say,,,this is the truth..WE have a great relationship with Celtic fans – through Kenny Dalglish and their help with the Hillsborough Justice campaing, so I dont want to argue against them…they sing it well..we are “celtic cousins”  as we (true Liverpudlians) have a similar Spirit &  mentality to scottish/irish…ok?”


Help Save Liverpool FC>
I asked you a simple question and once again you want to make a snidey comment.
For some reason you can’t help yourself can you.
What put downs? You have a very serious attitude problem.
Diid you stand up at the AGM and have your say?

“simple questions ” ? BS! …ask Graham Smith.(SoS solicitor) ..I shook his hand saturday
YOU are the SNIDE! …because your “question” infers that I wasnt there, and ONCE again you show yourself to be a fool ..and as you arre ANONYMOUS!!!! (and dont use your own name on this group, you look even more stupid than normal expecting me to “identify myself” to a nobody…I have nothing to “say” …how many times must I tell you, I DO NOT care about YOUR opinion, my “attitude problem” is NOT a problem for me,,,because you cant read in what I am saying because your little ego is damaged…

I didnt bang my drum, as you told me I do all the time, I joined the parts of protest I agreed with and did nothing to hurt any other (progressive) action..you simply forget that it was MY IDEA to bring SoS and SLfc into ONE organisation..(I am waiting to see if they do what they say.. and if they dont I will THEN do or say what i feel…)

I told you (but you are just too stupid and only want to “tell me off”and not understand …I wont contribute to SoS/SLfc UNTIL its managed properly…you & SoS should thank me , because IF I had stood up, then the metting would have been in chaos as I coudl have tied it up for hours, challenging each and every item…there was one guy who attempted to do so, not making my arguement , but his…and he took 20 minutes on one item, I could have done so on each item..and ruined the EGM but as I agree IN SPIRIT with the co-operation…

CS>its not strange if you know our history with the media!!!

Liverpoolfc Campaign > 27 September at 13:23
anyone wana tell me why this protest got so little media coverage over the weeknd in the National TV and Papers?

CS>because the media dont like Liverpool supporters and we dont like them (since Hillsborough etc) and the World is afraid of what we are going to do when more than one million REDS supporters & fans come together and take back control of the club – WE ARE THE CLUB, if you care – BUY a SHARE!

(note Merseyside police informed SoS that 9000 fans joined the protest!! , not 2k as “reported”)

Help Save Liverpool FC > 04hrs 10927You were at the Shankly statue in your protest shirt eh Chris?.You should have made yourself known and we could have had a chat face to face for a change….which one are you on the pics?

CS>sorry to wake U up again “anon” …! i am the one with the black shirt on, (& sometimes wore a red cap) (see clearer in the Redmen video when it comes out?)  and carried a “jolly roger” during the post-match sit-in…but of course all U wont to do, like your colleagues is “put downs” …no wonder there is still so much anti-co-op blah blah amongst Liverpool “fans”…

Stephen>good to meet you with Stefano thursday, let me know when you are back home..

CS>good to know U too, we have to keep networking the “european/Global” ..


CS>Andrea- what you want????  well what about thinking what I wanted????..U & Nenad & his mum dont show respect, ..now U come round without warning, and expect me to answer you??why?…U didnt show any respect to me before and I gave u another chance, U wait now 2 weeks and then expect me to want to talk, why should I, you are just a kid, ..and I have been away all weekend in Liverpool ..so I cant answer the door anyway !

23-26.9.10 Pg/Dubrovnik-LIVERPOOL-Dub-Podgorica

10923-10926 …weekend in Liverpool ; “birthday bash with Jo, (Ally & a.n.other) ” met Italian lads Francesco, Mario, Stefano etc @ Flanagans, Matthew street thursday, watched Beatles cover band.
then back to International Inn, JO missed birthday lunch, so I bought meself new trainers..

Jo was t “oiled” when she & her 2 mateseventually arrived @ the “Rat & Parrott” (so we really didnt get to know anythign about each other, and her mate “Ally” talked and never listened…<smile>
…then after a crazy situation at Matthew street, resulting in Jo & her other mate leaving Ally and myself at “ReVolution” (fitting!!!) we were the last to leave after consuming  2 litre jugs of vodka-something..and I “lost” Ally in the next bar on the other side of the street..

slept only a few hours before possibly THE most IMPORTANT meeting in the history of LIVERPOOL football supporters…and Lfc…

MY full report of the SoS/SL meeting, the match, the protest etc is reported on “KOP UNlimited”

(costs below)


I watche Tv in the INN saturday night until taxing a negociated taxi to J. Lennon airport about o3 hrs – and then there was a foul up on the Easyjet flight, they let us go down the stairs to the plane then called us back because the air crew hadnt tuened up (06hrs monday morn flight..not surirsed! – its happened before..)

Suzanne<?>Hiya chris hun jo said thank u for turning up last nite,she cant remember anythin hun.ally said thank u very much for stickin with her.she lost u after she went the loo.she lvs ya and thinks ur gr8 hun.:-) x

CS>  ChriS SmiTH    26 September at 23:37
Hiya Suzanne, <smile> thanks for that ..I do appreciate you being “spokesperson” …i have just got back from a 5000 miles round trip, and the days going & coming without sleep..and in between the “birthday bash” so I am writing this now whilst I still have some memory in my heads software… lol

? Did Jo tell U, aNyTHING ? that she missed the lunch, I understand she had problems with her kiddy/…then I nearly gave up on the “birthday bash”..she , Ally and the other 1 was late..and Jo was already semi-legless when she got to the Rat & Parrott ,<smile>

I was tempted to jack it in, but stayed with the 3 because i had a feeling Jo/& co  might need some “support” ..we went towwards matthew street, and when Ally went to get Jo a take-away (as Jo hadnt eaten) the other 1 took Jo to a different club, so then I had to go with them, then run around trying to find Ally, which caused a stir between Ally & the other 1..

so they argued, Jo was looking tired, drunk & cold so I gave her my jacket to wear, but she was in no state to go on and so I said to Ally ,”come on lets have a drink”.so blew my pocket money on a coupel of litres of vodka-something @ “revolution”…fitting really as I was supposed to be making some contribution to the SoS/SL  meeting saturday morn (more about that another time)//

anyway, just felt like, F*** it! lets have the party anyway…so dancing & joking around with Ally & 3 irish lasses ,(sweet from the countryside)…until we were the last ones to leave there..we went over the road..and was then drinking voda straight,,and more dancing…but music wasnt as good (IMO)

…Ally said something about my St Christopher chain (which was a pressie from my deceased mrs..) I mada a caustic reply (i think) and Ally disappeared for ages, I went looking but couldnt find her and found myself back in the international inn sometime arounbd 05 (sop I had 3 hrs to sleep before the big meeting, I went, but as it happens I felt better that I didnt say anything as I probably would have sounded like I felt, and maybe I will save my “statement” for another time..the locals were doing a fairly decent job of saying some of what I wanted to propose ..so its back to my “facebook rants”,,,

26 September at 23:38
by the way X, and you are welcome anytime to come over to Monty for a holiday, i have plenty of room at my place! 😉 x

so, thats my report,,,how was YOUR weekend…?  <smile>

costs etc..


(21.9 – e100 from NLB – Pg)

– 200 Hrk (e30?)  Dub- bus transfers/snacks
– Gbp 60 (e 72)
– Gbp 31.50 (e38)  Int -Inn (hostel)

– Gbp 100   (e120?)
– Gbp  38.49 (e46?)

25.9 – NO service (@ Anfield Atm)

26.9 – 200 Hrk  (e30?) –  Dub- bus transfers/snacks

(balance 23.9 = e1486 – (est) ;  e1150 )

cash receipts etc..
23.9 (travel)
bus = Pg -> Dub   ;   e19
transfer (hrk 35)
express bus in Lp ;  gbp 2.70
24.9 (no lunch / party “bash” ; snacks ;  gbp 80)  Jo , Ally + 1 (irish “D” jackie & sarahg – bday)
–  bus back from Anfield (ref ticket query)
–  t-bags for Pg (toloshi)  gbp 1.88
– Lfc Scarf /prog for LEON = Gbp 9
– post office to “germoney” ; 5.06
(SoS meeting)
– bus to Anfield Gbp 1.80 (from Zeligs full bus ..quiet)
Lfc 2 – Sund 2 (freaky goal, SG/Torres miffed?)
black shirt GBP 20 – (Shanks Statue GBP 20)
Match snacks Gbp 5
(TV @ inn…then taxi to J Lennon = GBp 13)
various transfers/ bus into centar/KAtie o connor pub
beer/snacks (meet 4 ELSUN/BK) (Hkr 200)
Bus Dub -> Pg =  141.50 Hkr


cut grass AGAIN & late siesta
watched LfcTv & tv..(tried not to sleep before travel)
..napped on chair until 04h



wrote “the last day of the KOP ??..the last day of the KOPite?= the last day of a socialist” ”

went & bought my bus ticket to Dubrovnik , had a coffe @ “Nags Head”
stayed up until  04hrs !!!! lots of facebook TV
& watche Utube ; mostly John Bishop & Mock the week (out takes, got addicted!)

some scouse comedy links…




Very sleepy grey monday —- hate losing to the Mancs..


favorite memory – season 08/09  mancs 1 LIVERPOOL 4 ..video taken in Madrid
(I was visiting “MadREDS” -Liverpool supporters in Madrid)
(  😉 90314)

Veli & Janko came and watched the game @ “old toilet” mancs 3 – Lfc 2
mancs; 3 goals by berbatov.- Lpool;  2 goals by SG  ..Woy is “friendly with fergie”… !!!

“leaves us with 5 points from 5 games, are those anti-Rafa “fans” still convinced ?..
midfield looked ok, and it was an “attacking” line up, (strange we played 2 defensive midfielders v WBA @ home and only one against Mancs away?) but fergie sussed it, and played a defensive counter-attack formation, that gave us no room for Torres & Cole (who both didnt show in the first half)  to “perform” (knowing full well that if he left Vidic & evans alone against Torres he will probably score//) we woke up a bit in the 2nd half but Carra knows that 2 of Berbs goals shouldnt have been possible..I think Agger will be in the middle nect week, my judgement deferred on Poulsen, Meireles looks keen, but final pass often astray..SG looked his old self, and was my MoM ..Berb scored 3 but thats “all”..kan-chelsky looked solid at left back, (Nani gets the “oscar”) ..I would have preferred Kelly to Glen at RB, and pushed Johno forward …woy hasnt decided on his prefered formation and it looked as if the players still need a “team shape”..and why, oh why does it take more than half the game before this team shows real fighting passion?”
having said that Webb was ref and didnt give O’shea a Red card for pulling down Torres when he was last man, Fernando isnt yet “right” but won a pen & free kick for both goals..!”


went for a run…quiet saturday,..


cut the grass in the garden..hot weather!

uploaded pics to ” facebook album”

(the BEST team from Lp v uglies fromManc pics)

long siesta

(ironic) Suggested should change the “help save Lfc group” name to “help save me from facebook dictators) 😉

various exchanges with SoS etc /Lfc (watched Lfc TV” big match build up”


Noisy neighbour kept waking me up this week about 06hrs …

I sent the letter to John H, RBS.Global ref LIVERPOOL football club..offered to take over the loan

(Europa League) LFC 4 – SteauA 1
goals by Cole, (1st goal inside first min) Ngo-al (2, one pen one good shot ) Lucas drive


sQUID 10-11 <smile>



WE are the “group of people”

(dedicated to woy)


“A group of PEOPLE”…(if you care – OWN a share”

“A group of PEOPLE”…
“Nice” mr. H has said..
“A group of PEOPLE”…is all we are
people coloured LIVERPOOL RED!

“A group of PEOPLE”…
who pay Y-OUR way
often treated like sh*te
…when we come TOGETHER
watch how we can FIGHT

“A group of PEOPLE”…
who FEEL the lyrics “Y.N.W.A..”
& SUPPORT “through wind & rain”
WE like to sing & shout

“A group of PEOPLE”
who hate the liars & “suits”
expecting YOU to be FAIR
.. coming together around the WORLD

..if you CARE – oWN a SHARE

Global REDS Family…….”oh Campioni ” (“if you CARE , get a SHARE”…)

“Oh Campione
The one and ONLY
we’re liverpooooolll
we are gonna take it over and kick you out the door
the GLOBAL RED supporters gonna make it like before”

“IF YOU CARE – buy a share” Support Global REDS via E.L.S.U.N

E.L.S.U.N “Statement of Intent” (CS10930)


October RE(d)Volution ; RED October ; Black shirts

Significantly on May 1st , 2000, I formed “Freedom & Union” within the articles of the council of europe (ECHR) , at that time my main aim was to enable EQUAL rights & free people unfairly disadvantaged throught europe, whether residents or refugees, I have now agreed that  E.L.S.U.N ; EuRED Liverpool Supporters (overseas) UNION NETWORK may use those basic “aims & objectives; equal rights ; ” to equalise the status of GLOBAL LIVERPOOL SUPPORTERS.

despite certain criticism, I am a current Member of both “SoS” & “SLfc” and in fact proposed a collective/dynamic organisation between them almost 2 years ago!

I have recommended voting in favour of the resolutions presented at their EGM 25th September 2010.  However, I have experienced personally that the organisation is not yet set up to EQUALLY enable all rights deserved by each & every Global member; Having personally lodged multiple complaints @ Lfc. since 10 years for myself & for  our Network of UNofficial Supporters & fan clubs it is clear however that E.L.S.U.N should co-operate with SoS-SL and other groups (Kop Fathful ; G & H OUT! ; “Help Save Lfc” whenever & wherever it makes sense.

SoS have already significant branches in the “Anglo-Saxon/sSandanavian” regions where perhaps the income is much higher than our members in central/southern europe/eastern europe/balkans; asia, india & africa etc; and the criteria & participation is much harder to meet. WE DO NOT want a new (“rich”) owner/owners..

Therefore to clarify y-OUR focus:

* to ENSURE the “voice” Of “Global REds” and their EQUAL RIGHTS during the process of SUPPORTER owned Lfc
(we agree in principle to the main aims of SoS/SL

* as the CREDIT UNION is unavailable to OUR Gllobal (non-UK) members ; to OFFER similar facilities to ALL Global REDS wherever they are situated.

AS WE ONLY want a SUPPORTERS owned club …we will fight against any one who attempts to own OUR club, & ANY OTHER situation now and in the future!

* to fulfill the strategy ; with the slogan “if you CARE, OWN a SHARE…!”

* to provide a share to EACH of our members @ 500 EUROS per share

* to enable a form of “credit union”  to enable disadvantaged members to save up, alone or in “saving clubs”

* MY Strategy..

TO fight the people who exploit YOU…and to place football clubs in the hands of the TRUE supporter, he or she that TRULY deserves it…

a) Our global supporters network will boycott any bank or corporation’s products who oppose TRUE Supporter ownership.
b) & will boycott certain matches & encourage Global supporters/ex/&/players participation
c) will continue the “G & H not wanted anywhere ” campaign , changing the target to banks or relevant corporations who back those who oppose us publicly; support non-violent protests, ENTHUSIASTIC peaceful resistance, (alternative shirts & promote alternative products)
d) IF necessary ; cause the LIQUIDATION of the trading / holding companies who oppose us (that begins with the various G & H companies; Kop football/holdings)
e) IF necessary ; finally instruct barristers to obtain an INJUNCTION (anton pillar mareva ) to FREEZE the activities of the club pending a full investigation of previous /Current “owners” & officers (alledged fraudulent) activity

and ; something “emotional” which is beyond pragmatic explanation…TO UPHOLD “Shanks’ LIVERPOOL WAY” and restore the warmth & friendship within a dynamic global force of supporters.

“if you CARE, OWN a SHARE…!

email; (via) ;  ball_can_reds@mypod-net.org

“if you CARE, own a SHARE” …

the media NOW start to mention the “protest” movement but avoid the Issue of SUPPORTERS ownership, 50,000 already registered and our global network can multiply that x 20 …@ 500 per share we are the ONLY solution for the club, and when the media, the “pundits” the yankers & the bankers , and even some “fickle fans” finally realise that we can move away from the stream of mis-informed BS!

Shanks Spirit

CS10929) 29 years after his departure from this earth – some people are waking up to the TRUE “Shanks SPIRIT”…demonstrations against the “culture of capital” & co-operation between REds WORLDWIDE, Determination, courage; commitment, dynamic & creative FIGHTING SPIRIT …now perhaps the “Shankly Banner” will not just be words…ACTION will speak louder, and louder until this world turns to Justice for all.. WE ONLY want a SUPPORTERS owned club …and will fight against any one & ANY OTHER situation now and in the future who attempts to own OUR club, we ARE the “group of people” WE ARE THE CLUB, if you care, buy a share…!

this is not the beginning or the end, but it is the end of the beginning

CS10929-  29 years after his departure from this earth – some people are waking up to the TRUE “Shanks SPIRIT”…demonstrations against the “culture of capital” & co-operation between REds WORLDWIDE, Determination, courage; commitment, dynamic & creative FIGHTING SPIRIT …now perhaps the “Shankly Banner” will not just be words…ACTION will speak louder, and louder until this world turns to Justice for all.. WE ONLY want a SUPPORTERS owned club …and will fight against any one & ANY OTHER situation now and in the future who attempts to own OUR club, we ARE the “group of people” WE ARE THE CLUB, if you care, buy a share…!!

RE(d)VOLUTION weekend 23-26th September 2010

RE(d)VOLUTION weekend 23-26th September 2010


reporting from SoS / SLfc (EGM)  "Zeligs Bar"  Liverpool

Saturday 91025 11-14h


Having attended Jo’s "Birthday bash" until 04hrs and getting up "normally" to re-post shirts & scarves for my (estranged) son Leon I was pleased
 to be able to  get to the meeting point early (just after 11 am) for the "prompt 11.45 start"

I saw that cameras were being set up (EDITED SoS video @ http://www.spiritofshankly.com/news/September-2010-EGM-_-Video.html – and the large "Spirit of Shankly"
banners on the "stage" reminded me exactly what I have been saying is lacking..so far!


* THE room was "open" …so NO "control" of who was attending , EITHER THE "suits" OR A bunch of MANCS or bluesh*te could have invaded the meeting and stopped it ALL to easily..
a group at the fromt were already knocking back the "bevvies" and I thought to myself..this is wrong..possibly THE MOST IMPOPRTANT meeting ever in the histopry of LFC supporters
Could be ruined..by "spoilers" or "drunks" (as the mainstream media would love to portray us" ..the NEXT meeting MUST be in a PROPER "closed company" place (without alchohol)

11.30 and most tables were empty
11.40 tables started to fill up & almost every one had glasses of beer
(PLEASE understand, anyone who has been on a "away supporters" trip with me, knows I can can "party" with the best of them, but this meetign needs clear heads
and contribution)
…around 11.45 an annoucement on the tannoy " we will be starting in a couple of minutes, if you want to move down the front, get yourself a DRINK and we will be starting soon"

* Mobiles should be shut off!?
* attendees should be "registered" ?
* an efficient FULL – TIME secretary should be employed by SoS/SLfc as "SAM" is OVERloaded by her own admission (email to BcR?CS)
* invite particpation & reps from RAWK, "Help Save" , "Kop Faithful"
G & H out etc..

My imagination went to "Shanks" ;HE HAD;   Committment, Determination, Dynamic; Creative ("a bit of cocky arrogance") & fighting SPIRIT ..
have "WE" got anythign like it, if not we should not "use " Bill’s name..

Spirit of Shankly..

EGM notes..

See printed Agenda/V1.

1. Opening address ?? Fran?  minimal..welcome & intro


2. Graham S told us of the Scandanavian & Irish & other UK branches
& "hopes" of East/west coast USA branches soon,
(of course ELSUN (UNION NETWORK) has its own independent union structure, credit Union plan
& special multi-lingual / multi cultural facilities for members "distanced
from LP…and "feed back" so far indicated that our individual memebrs
to join SoS would be DOUBLE the cost of a local member, so we shall continue to
provide complimentary services until such time as we agree otherwies with SoS/SLfc..)

Graham made the valid point that local UNION representation is helpul to ensure our voices are heard, & to provide relevant representation of Worldwide supporters
(WE ELSUN & Balkan REDS have already provided members with cheaper t-shirts,
attendance/travel to games & 3 "party-meetings"…)

Club Liason

we were informed that LFC office CLAIM they are not gicing more season tickets to corporates than before !!
(to be investigated!)
& SoS took up a members complaint ; reported abuse (verbal & physical) of a young lad (15) by combination of office mistakes
ground stewards & POLICE! (FSE need to be acting too?)

more complaints about mistreatment of REDS @ man citeh & Man U where our support was
stopped from leaving and blocked from using toilets.

good arguement for membership being the best way to make complaints & obtain benefits.
(Michael Shields etc)


– Votes now possible on line (95% of members online, others will be catered for)
– New website coming..


NO news?

(if this proceeds ELSUN global to promote LiverBird/REds products & services with a potential of 5 billion)

NO questions from the "floor" (membership present) at this time.

Spirit of Shankly (SoS) & ShareLiverpool (SLfc)

V2 : Resolutions on proposed co-operation

– A copy of the agenda & resolutions are available on the http://www.spiritofshankly.com website
( a printed version was also handed out at the meeting)

It was "claimed" that SoS/SLfc have been "working together" since one year????

The essence of this is to form an organisation that can proceed to enable Supporter ownership of LFC.

Graham ; pointed out the Resolution 4/5 amendments – need 25 members to have an SoS
branch & allows membership to a maxiumu of 250 members per branch.

Graham then proposed the relevant resolutions & confirmed that the SoS members
on the SLfc board will have their "share" paid by SoS and these shares will belong to
the whole SoS membership (note to question this if there is a "tight vote"
in future..


SLfc formed at same time as SoS to buy shares in Lfc – "if Bayern, Barca & Benfica can do it why cant we?"
Martin Mckewan (spelling?)"a RED for 30 years" (young?) then presented some considerable history of the formation
of SLfc etc etc …and why the "co-op" is a good idea ..(maybe a bit boring
as he wasnt as "dynamic" ..introducing also the key people of SLfc
Rogan (we all should know!) Martin (himself in marketing..!)
"Liz" (@ university, footy-MBA!) "Nick Bray" (?) former INVESTMENT banker (!!!)
London-based ("corporate finance is very complicated" ..<smile>)
"Barry" who made software for Lfc (maybe hes the one I should have spoken to about the lack of a co-ordinated membership system
@ Lfc which didnt cross E-season, tickets & fancard membership info)
& "other M & A (merger & acquisitions) experts"  (chairman Chris has gone!!!)

– the 2 SoS members on SLfc board are; Peter Furmedge & Graham Smith

– supportedby ex players Barnes, Aldridge, Whelen etc..

– some software problems..(requiring re-registration)

– SLfc decided 5000 GBP per share too high, agreed with SoS (Peter) that
500 per share more reasonable.

– currently 50,000 "signed up for a share" …want the members now to urge MASS membership

–  the future SoS-SL Shareholders would employ PROFESSIONAL managers who together with Supporters reps
will manage the club.

– have "confidental talks" with other major investors who may be
interesting in financing Supporter ownership

– SLfc split into legal/finance & media/communications -Jay mcKenna leads Media

"THE NEED for critical MASS!"

QUESTIONS from the floor;

Q – will SLfc agree the "credit Union" and still have one share = one vote

A = SoS-SLfc will be ONE share = ONE vote

Q – what do we get for this investment ?

A = you get change of ownership & a voice in the CLUB! (no ticket priority?)
(to be re-considered down the line)

Q – have we got the time?

A – it depends on the fans reacting to this..
– need to buy shares
– can start investing into credit union
– the fans are the solution, so the answer is in your hands

V5 (part 5)

Q – has the credit Union started

A – presentation coming

Q – resolution 4.2 regarding "conduct" of SoS affecting Slfc negociations?
    (no leadership?..SoS hog-tied? diverted from direct action?)

A = (Peter F) SoS members will not be "hog tied " from direct action in the future
(comments about the Lfc "spin" buying Cole , distracting fans etc)
SoS members NEED to be involved in ownerhsip negociation..

(comments on broughton "lying" about the club being sold before the end of August but at the same time MB was discussing re-finance.

V6 (part 6)

Note the remainder merged Q & A, Credit Union & "Strategy" dicussions –
the "chair" seemed to let it flow, with occasional "cutting" …<smile>

Q – we are in trouble if Hicks re-finance/ hedge fund & why arent you answering
    my emails (to PG) , worried energy is being diverted..

(CS> I wonder is who is he helping by this line of questions..? some SoS committee are wrong, but …)

A – (Jay) The MASS of fans dont understand…(media "spin" ..journalists
now asking US whats going on!) we need to protest AND buy club for supporters..

We have never been so CLOSE as we are now to SUPPORTER ownership!

Q/A – (Paul Wright) – long process thrashing it out ("we can sh*t & chew gum at the same time")
(we are not a political party where the first item on the agenda is to split)
(NOTE – Wall street article "dont mix it with Liverpudlians")
…NO problem i with doing BOTH, = Direct action (protest) & supporter ownership co-op

…"this is OUR club, join together & fight for it"

(Peter F) avoid "pure campaigns" …"we are in this to WIN" ..
urge members to vote in FAVOUR of the resolutions..

SoS need to support the Supporters with such as the "Credit Union"

all groups need to unite…email campaigns , have had an effect, as have the shirts..
(not welcome here , too!) ..

(Peter F)when Hodgson joined he spoke of the YNWA "mantra" and then spoke about " a group of people"..
advised Woy to be careful with his words..we are 50,000 and WE are the "group of people" that will NEVER walk alone..

V7 (part 7)

Q – what have SLfc achieved? what is your funding?

A = the fund has not yet started..but we have 20,000 registered ready
to invest, when its starts (SoS-SL ) membership will explode! we will have the "critical mass"
(see ShareLiverpoolFc website for more info)

Credit Union was explained by Tracey Fletcher..

– SoS will join the existing 17 year old "partners credit Union" – 8000 members
already with 5,5 million GBP already on loan, one of the largest in the UK
– also one member – one vote..(NOT a "bank")  includes a "compensation scheme"
savings are SAFE!

as little or as much money as you want, but must save regularly.

will loan to help members buy shares…(GBP 2 to join credit Union in Lp)

(note ELSUN/Balkan REDS have a plan for non UK (european-based) members )

V8 (part 8)

(Jay)tells of the "spin" from the Lfc office approaching 25 different finance houses..
NO one knows clearly whats going on! …"deadline" delayed ..oct, 6,
11th & 15th..maybe Xmas?…SUPPORTERS are the solution..anyone coming in will REPAY the bebt with SUPPORTERS money..
..need to understand! …

"who would you rather have buy Lfc CHEAP?..(some financial broker or Suporters?)

(note some committee members HAVE ignored (KOP UNltd/ELSUN) solutions , Jay!!!)

Protest today…& march at the Blackpool match next weekend..

but if vote is confirmed on SoS-SLfc we WILL show that we want IN…

people NEED to get behind it and tell your friends…!

Q – fan ownership..? what did RBS say , are there other investors

A = (Graham) RBS are scared of getting involved…but there are no other bidders – its a list of one ;
the supporters!..RBS wont "engage" Barcap are ..we want NOW to promote "financing the fans"
(CS>not the sharks!)

the fund will be ready before Xmas

(CS> if they had reacted to MY proposals we COULD have had a fund reay 2 years ago!)

V8 (part 8)

Q _ how is the message gettign out to the World ..

A = (Jay) Lfc spin succesfully distracted fans over the summer..
(CS> I warned about this during the "Cole euphoria" in the summer)

(ALL FANS need to take responsibility and also learn NOT to sit back when Lfc "suits" or the media tell us stuff about investing "saviours" – maybe fans WILL LEARN NOT to trust the media & the Lfc "spinners")

(member) we should take the initaive back off Barcap and put it on RBS and grow a set of balls
and push to engage with RBS..

(Graham) we are trying to force our way into it..and thats what we will do..

(Jay) we have to do whatever is necessary to be taken seriously..
Protest with solutions..

(Graham) we also expect Lfc to get behind SoS/SLfc and 6 million supporters – we would own the club in 2 weeks

(member) they will want to know our figures

(Jay) thats why we are doing this!

(cS>people really need to understand the

Q – (another anon "I am a member!" woman ) hiow do we go about buying the stadium..

A – (Jay) "we can do that the normal way..before G & H there were plans to buy a stadium – it will cost maybe 200 million
that can be done by normal mortgage, if it were not for the G & H mess this would be a profitable Business on the same level as Man U & Chelski "

(CS> with 1 million plus supporter/fan base -> 6 million on internet, properly marketed
LFC (properly managed WORLDWIDE ) is a great enterprise..

V10 (LAST part)

dicussion of Direct action/"want in" Strategy..

(Jay) need to join in, its OUR responsibility..

Q – (member John) "eggs in one basket..should stand in front of bus..
 ..we could stop this game now! thats Direct action" etc etc WE can do more, we should do more..

A – (Chair) all for it…the press told us the manager was crap now they blame the owners..
you dont need us to tell you what to do..etc

(Chair) not a "political org"..

(Jay) got nicked (arrested) trying to stop G & H getting into the ground..

(Peter F) – "we have to put in the hard yards again" …media was side-trackign everyone, "roys nice"
so blame the owners…we have to set the scene and move on to the stuff you are talking about..

(Jay) its OUR responsibility…cant warn publicly because merseyside
police will be waiting..

..what team, lying owner, criplign debt are destroying our team, …

…make it know what you want..!


CS>some SoS cuts edited the video, but most seems to be there..
I went to Peter F & Graham S (the 2 SoS members on the SLfc board – and wished them good luck…<smile>)


We were later than the planned 13.30 finish,but I got ont he first n.26(?)
bus from Paradise street and arrived just after the start of the black shirt
"standards corrupted" protest, quickly bought a shirt from Jonny , joined in
and joined in the "Yanks out" chanting etc..

I "disturbed2 some "fans" in the centenary ; where the deadwood congregate who have trouble waiting until the end of the game normally, never mind staying later..
BUT another lad and myself stood close to the kop on the centenary, by the
scoreboard, held up the Jolly Roger and we chanted and clapped..half an hour or so before it died down,
the players "warming down" saw us, Carra waved ! …(of course!)

gradually we dispersed, but we were the last 2 leave – 10 B-stewards
waiting for the 2 of us…,<smile> one commented "waste of time lad -wasnt on tv" ..
I replied "this (IMO) was for US…" its just the BEGINNING..

IF you care BUY a share..


– Redmen video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YAZGxGXPDE
– "Stay-in" (any pics on RAWK?)

reasons I/E.L.S.U.N support the above resolution ;

– I campaigned for SoS/SLfc to work together since the start
– Together we are stronger (IF properly & strategically organised)
– A PROPERLY managed Supporter-owned CLUB is a GOOD INVESTMENT!
– we must DO this, even if its not "perfect"
– The alternatives (another G & H ) are illogical!


"A group of PEOPLE"…(if you care – buy a share"

"A group of PEOPLE"…
"Nice" mr. H has said..
"A group of PEOPLE"…is all we are
people coloured LIVERPOOL RED!

"A group of PEOPLE"…
who pay Y-OUR way
often treated like sh*te
…when we come TOGETHER
watch how we can FIGHT

"A group of PEOPLE"…
 who FEEL the lyrics "Y.N.W.A.."
& SUPPORT "through wind & rain"
WE like to sing & shout

"A group of PEOPLE"
who hate the liars & "suits"
expecting YOU to be FAIR
.. coming together around the WORLD

..if you CARE – buy a SHARE

Culture of Capital v Capital of Culture..(cont) 10921 (“Peace day”)

10921The end of "the KOp, ends with the last "KOPite" or the last "Socialist"..?

Many, maybe most, of the people I am writing to, live in a commercial, now mainly "capitalist" world. Whether or not your local political or social view is otherwise…

IMO. the "victory" of the NWO perhaps defeated some viscous dictatorships (some in the guise of "Soviet-communism/socialism" ) yet any true Socialist knows that there has Never been a truly Socialist society other than in small isolated communities, in the 60’s when I was a boy (largely influenced by an energetic celtic mother who was active in the regional labour party and local social work), I fell in love with such a community – it was called "LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL CLUB" managed b an enthusisatic & larger-than-life  scot called BILL SHANKLY"..


Whether its the Tv programming , media, teachers or even the "conditioned" parents & neighbours of recent generations that sold them "greed is good" , convinced them that the stock market is "real" that "bankers" are friends and corporations provide job, even if those pollute the air land & water..people swallowed an "absolute corruption" when the "soviet enemy" collapsed, the alternative "enemy" ("Islam") has been conveniently identified to justify the NOW TRILLIONS of dollars poured into improving global "security" also conveniently removing the APPLICATION of many equal/human(e) rights in the process

Global Game, Global Culture

Simultaneously modern "Bling" (which is more about "packaging" than content) arrived in the biggest game in the World, the sport of most kids, a culture than was naturally introduced to boys has been exploited at all levels.with the USA infliltrating "soccer" their corporate vultures infected the home of our culture; and in the nineties introduced their form of "prostitution" (which ruined their own Baseball, NFL & basketball leagues) into the traditional "Football League" and turned it into the billion dollar "Premiereship".

MY fight ,

I worked as an office boy at 16 years old, I formed a staff association at 21, married, divorced & made a million (GBP) before I was thirty, luckily a meningitis – induced coma stopped me from becoming a european version of  W. Gates and I woke up after a week and vowed to "go the other way" (to be "alternative"  <smile> ) amongst other things I have organised demos, peace campaigns, (including co-operating the start of "human shields") – I have been "examined" (a total of 24 months military style "investigative detention" by several judges & state attorneys without conviction) I formed a Union to fight for Justice & and social equality , ecological intelligence, & personal development …..and I supported MY club..in any & every way I could, starting fan groups, supporters clubs, coaching, and promoting the LIVERPOOL way…but the damage was done in my "Hometown"…(no I was not born there!)

..Y-OUR Fight?

..about the same time that billions were "spent" on the city of Liverpool (rather than the people of it, ….why not "buy" Lfc as a community asset at the time?) during the "European Capital of Culture" the previous custodians of MY club were SELLING out to business people from the USA, the rest is history. These people have defrauded the community with what can only be reasonably described as lies & mis-information. Despite this obvious PUBLIC violation, less than 1 % of a global fan base of 1 million + have "reacted"(so far!)  …and those that HAVE reacted have been blinded by the extreme financing of clubs like Manchester City, Chelski & (un)Real Madrid into believing that a simple solution is another "rich guy" to invest billions into our club..

how stupid!?…the "activists" failed to effectively oppose the appointment of "officers" Purslow & Briughton , who removed the  most succesful Lfc manager since 20 years, and (typically of a world dictated to by generals & bean-counters) have failed to uphold the remnants of the unique SOUL (ironically called the "Spirit of Shankly" by the supporters Union) feeding the paying public with the sort of "spin" the USA is so proudly identified with. 

IF you dont see the reason to fight, then stop complaining..because YOU are the problem…not only to fight for the removal of the above-mentioned "suits" but also because LIVERPOOL football club, the most succesful club, of the most important League, of the most important game, culture and business on this planet, IS IN DANGER!  YOU NEED to STOP it being continually exploited by business men at Y-OUR EXPENSE.. anyone who is telling you that a "rich guy" is our best solution is FOOLING you! …the INCOME of Lfc WORLWIDE belongs to us,  stop feeding bankers & brokers who are simply taking the money you invest ; tickets; souvenirs & etc and lauching as they STAB YOU IN YOUR BACK, by ripping y-our money off!

There have been some "initiatives" by german fans and some othe groups & even those claiming to be "supporter federations"…but NO EFFECTIVE & co-ordinated STRATEGY…

MY Stragegy..

..has often been opposed…NOT by the enemy (other than the usual blocking of phones, sms, emails , petitions & facebook campaigns) but by many members of the committees of "SoS" ; SLfc ; "Help Save Liverpool" & various "fans" (who have been thrown at me, in attempts at discrediting my name/aims. Here is MY aim..

TO fight the people who exploit YOU…and to place football clubs in the hands of the TRUE supporter, he or she that TRULY deserves it…

I PUBLICLY (via the "KOP" magazine, & SoS/SLfc etc..) proposed the combination of SoS & SLfc almost 2 years ago, had that proposal been acted upon, we may NOW have Lfc in y-our hands..there is an EGM this weekend, and instead of being one of full action , it will be filled with "constitutional matters" and discuss crisis action! My resolutions offered to the SoS/SLfc committee have been ignored..therefore my emphasis will be to promote the above aims via EuRED Liverpool Supporters (overeas) Union Network, co-operate with various (unofficial) supporters clubs & fan groups, World wide and impliment this PLAN of Global ACTION…

a) our global supporters network will boycott any bank or corporation’s products who oppose TRUE Supporter ownership.
b) & will boycott matches & encourage Global supporters/ex/&/players participation
c) will continue the "G & H not wanted anywhere " campaign , changing the target to banks or relevant corporations who back those who oppose us publicly
d) IF necessary cause the LIQUIDATION of the trading / holding companies who oppose us (that begins with the various G & H companies; Kop football/holdings)
e) finally instruct barristers to obtain an INJUNCTION (anton pillar mareva ) to FREEZE the activities of the club pending a full investigation of previous /Current "owners" & officers (alledged fraudulent) activity

CS/E.L.S.U.N/KOP Unltd
Montenegro. 10921
"peace day" <smile>

p.s. some similarity…

Hicks or similar?

“No Nein eleven (part 1) , this isnt heaven (or hell) its “all cock & bullSh*te”….

"No Nein eleven (part 1) , this isnt heaven (or hell) its "all cock & bullSh*te"….

15th September -2010

 this is more or less an UP date to my blog with extracts from this months diary & emails, letters & facebook "discussions" ..some people seem curious and ask why i do this or why I DONT publish a book, well …

a) its easier than trying to "edit" half a million articles, emails, notes & files that I have written since I "dropped out" in 1995 (post meningitis – induced coma)
b) its more difficult to "ban" blogs etc – they already block/delay/disrupt emails, phones & sms..
c) My abducted children may be able find something about me, BY me, that is not biased or prejudiced or part of someone else’s agenda or propaganda!

CS> dedicated to my Kids

"IF you find yourself being "Alien-hated" (Alienated) ..
scorned, abused or Under-rated…
they still may expect YOU to be "polite"…
FFS! – be a man, be true; stand and fight! …"


Letter of the month?


Dear Sam,

I am ironic, but it came to mind when I received this invitation to the EGM, the scene from the (monty python) film "Life of Brian" ..when Brian is being crucified and Reg & the "committee" decide to hold a meeting…

my additions to the agenda come in the form of "motions" 😉

Motion 1.. This meeting comes at a time of real CRISIS that "ShareLiverpoolLFC" should co-join or we risk further time delay if proposals from this meeting have to be presented to SLFC later on.

Motion 2.  This meeting (or at least future meetings)  should NOT take place in a bar/pub where alchohol is served if we want the World (potential members and our adversaries) to see us as a "serious" organisation capable of taking over club that may be valued as a global enterprise of around Billion euros.

Motion 3. That "we" (via SoS/SLFC) take out a winding up order against "kop football/holdings" (the company of G & H claiming to "own Lfc" ) to
– freeze payments to the banks (releasing income to be used for profitable CLUB development
– enforce a declaration of the "deal" between D. Moores & G & H to be declared null & void! (resulting in a repayment to D. Moores & the removal of G & H)
– the removal of C. Purlsow & C. Broughton who have not acted in our best interests or in the interests of the community.

(if the "bored" refuse an "anton pillar moreva injunction" will liquidate their companies and investigate all personal assets & dealings via the high courts!)

Motion 4. That "we" purchase 100% control of "LFC" from David Moores via a 10 year payment schedule. (no need for bank involvement as we have sufficient global income)

Motion 5 . The "debts" are resolved by a deal with the current "bankers" who gain 25% of the  supporters shareholding company ; shares are FAIRLY obtained by Lfc supporters local & global on an equal basis. (this process to be voted on at the next EGM)

(all 5 motions are join & several)

as an add..

I wonder (considering his recent testimonial puts him in the public eye) if Carra and the rest of current & ex-players have received a written invitation from SoS/SLfc to join "save Lfc" and our supporters buy out/in?

ChriS SMITH (member 970)

"Balkan REDS"
EuRED Liverpool (overseas) SUPPORTERS UNION Network
S47, Toloshi,
81102 Podgorica
email;  ball_can_reds@mypod-net.org

Help Save Liverpool FC wrote
"All very nice quotes Chris.
Let me keep it simple for you though as you never fail to go on a rant without addressing any point made to you.
Tell us all.
What contribution have you made to the fight for our club?
What success have you had that is so much more valid than anything anyone else has done?
There you go.2 questions. Nice and simple."

CS>yes "simple" (but obviously devisive) like you, but what sort of "arrogance" has running this little group given you? , that a "liliputian" (not Liverpudlian) like you thinks that you can "interogate"me? I dont have to justify myself to ANYone , least of all, one as limited as you …you mean nothing to me, if you want to know about me, take some time, educate yourself & read my "blog" ..i wont waste one minute more than i want to "explaining"…i suppose you dont consider for a moment that whilst you are doing your best to "put me down"  that should I indeed "walk away" one day in the future you will realise that I indeed AM the one person who could & should "save Lfc" …but once again, you and your RAWK/SoS/SLfc "colleagues" are "simply" proving yourself to be SIMPLE……fools!

Igor C…>well big part of football is about ”discussions” and stuff like that 😀 it would be boring if we all had the same opinion 🙂
thanks for the wishes, all the best to you too

CS>keep on "discussing" too many people dont know how to "conflict" without insult, and cant debate, they only "mass-debate" 😉
tell me soon of you come to Buch (via beograd)?


John>Kenny wasnt appointed basically because he would have had too much power given our love and support for the man. This would have made the cost cutting of the board very difficult for Purslow and co.

Can you imagine the position Kenny would have been in? He could not have sanctioned mote cost cutting that would see us fall further behind.

So basically it was a power issue, Purslow is still the self appointed king.

ChriS SmiTH then why dont we rebel?? if, we are the club!
John Sheehy> Damn good question. The answer is that there is a big difference between a Liverpool fan and a Liverpool supporter.

We have more fans than supporters.

Geography has probably stopped me from getting into trouble lol but if there is direct action, I would try fly over for that.


John>You make a lot of good points Chris.
I especially agree that all these campaigns need a figure head to lead them.
For us ordinary fans, thats not so easy as we have jobs, wives, kids, mortgages.

I thought some high profile fans and ex-players were approached about this but I guess none of them are willing to make a sacrifice to do this.

How much do some of them really love the club, I ask myself.

CS>John , I am far from "popular" because I question the "committees" or  whether the "supporters buy out/in" has been properly "sold" (explained) to players, explayers or fans,.BUT… the more I argue that we need a proper co-ordinated strategy, the more I wonder whether the majority of "fans" even deserve Lfc to be "saved".

I kep telling them, I dont need to be the "front man" but as a former "strategist" I DO know how to co-ordinate a "battle" of this nature..


..everywhere people are apathetic, they stand by whilst the USA & its poodles violate almost every Human right thats exists & the greek government ("home of democracy"?) "bans" workers & truckers from striking???? , another basic human right to withdraw ones labour and to gather together in peaceful opposition is VIOLATED.the french do the sort of things to "gypsies" that caused a conflict called "World War 2 /holocaust"… in today"new world order" the government officials are criminals, almost everywhere! …people wake up! is the "enemy " the people who are of a different belief, colour, creed, race or nation – tribe ?…or is it the people that "make the rules" ????

from N.E.P.A.K

  Steve Allcock >   15 September at 09:28>
ismlamist fundamentalists , promotes abuse towards women ,

  ChriS SmiTH    15 September at 10:30>
ok, but almost all "fundementalism" is bad…catholic priests abusing kids, "christian" armies wiped out all other religions since 2000 years, catholic IRA bombed pubs when I worked in London, you miss the point of my message…/?
feminist fundementalists provoke bad treatment towards men!!

Steve Allcock    15 September at 09:27>
the french are fining men who force women into wearing the burka, the islam law and quran states the women mat be beaten by a husband

have you read the Koran?, or just the media / political translation of it?
ok to stop brutaliy in individual caes, BUT once you allow government officials to pick on a symbol as being a "group problem" you are not far from fascism..

Steve Allcock ,   15 September at 09:26>
greek is in massive debt ,and will be looking at going back to using its own currency

CS>greece is just OPENLY in debt …what about the TRILLION dollar debt of the USA?, will they give up the dollar go back to british pounds? DEBT has been the "capitalists mantra" pushing credit, loans moragages and destroying social equality ..the titanic has sunk, wake up & get in the lifeboat …

SA>the jypsies shend thier kids onto the streets and sell their young daughters to marriage thats why

CS>media & political "spin"…swallowed by you?..

have you lived in France?…have you been to Romania, have you personal experience of "gypsies" ??…sure there are some bad…but the main reason the government wants them out , is because they are not "part of the system" …they dont contribute tax payments..tax payments that fund governments to go to WAR, to committ inequality, to violate human rights…or allow corporations to pollute the air water & food…
maybe  but in many european western cities there are RED light districts, (visited by the rich) who buys the "gypsy girls?…the rich or the poor?…you will find more prostitutes in the USA than in an alternative "gypsy" village (pro-rata) ..?.(by the way the Korans forbids prostitution and recommends all families to take "loose women" into their home rather than walk the streets) ..the rich &  upper class have also "arranged marriages" …the west condemns people into factory slavery, and allows the "legalised theft" of children, women are allowed to "own" kids in western society…

middle-class german women (with state participation) arranged the violent ambush & abduction of of my children..

you are arguing on the wrong basis …and miss the message!



I was thinking over everything the night before and watched some "steamy" film before bed at 01.30// woke up early this mornign by noisy neighbour in cellar! ran for 15 mins; kicked a ball around on the now – perfect lawn, usual shave, shower & washing stuff , change bed clothes etc..

then onto emails/FB & Lfc TV before …updating this B:LOG (diary) "no nein eleven" …(part 1)

—-CS>I know you dont care, you just made ABSOLUTELY sure that Leon and I cant ever have a true father-son relationship ..you & "your man" stole him and your soul will never be in peace for that !

…(if you arent lying) YOu should shout at the post office, they are german (and like you will never admit making a mistake to an "alien") ) and I may as well shout at them as the wall, or you , you have no heart! yes anyone who dictates someones life , like you have with Leon and exploits the violation of human rights by your german "family system" IS a fascist

…and more & more people are reacting to this "legalised child theft = "parental alienation syndrome" …too late for me and my son..alas!

you DARE call this being "friendly" ????????????????????

..you have deliberately, with MALICE aforethought, systematically EXCLUDED me from Leons life…i dont blame him for not "wanting" to contact me – its a known fact that when ONE parent makes it clear that they dont want the other around the child feels drawn to "be loyal" tot he resident parent

…I remember when I hugged him in your garden some years ago, he wanted to hug & kiss me , but when he saw you he pulled away YOU , like the negative german regime INSTILL FEAR in kids (you actually betray your favourite book "continuum concept" by what you did to Leon & me) ..and you deny him his sister too, and kepe me in the dark anbout Leons life …he is a stranger to me and I am a stranger to him, because of your jealousy & selfish mentality , I thought I might be able some day to forgive you, but you just show like all facists that you are beyond redemption..

DID you give him the CODE from Liverpool for the "e-season" (part of the benefits of the junior Lfc membership !) ????

i dont suppose I will get a "thank you" fo that!

p.s "your man" ??…dont make me laugh ! you are more of a man than he is!

> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 15:52:56 +0200
> From: rhythmustheater@shinore.de
> To: eured@live.nl
> Subject: Re: you deny Leon his birthday presents RE: no package and problems with certified letter
> The woman wanted to sign – but she was not allowed to!!!! She signed
> many other packages. The one who sent it made the mistake. I did not
> deny any present! I explained to you in detail that they save it 7 days
> and send it back. Call the post and shout at them. But I finally waisted
> again enough time by going to the post office and send you an e-mail,
> and even try to be friendly to you who calls me a facist and my man a
> poodle! I gave Leon any e-mail, postcard and package, believe it or not,
> I dont care.
> EuRED -ZReDs09-10 schrieb:
> > thats "funny"..because when I lived in freiburg , people in the same
> > house- building (gerberau) signed for several things for me..its
> > complete german BULLSH*te …they sent back the presents for Leon, i
> > sent at extra cost… with signature because thats the best way to be
> > sure of arrival, how stupid your system is, that they didnt give you
> > any "notice" that there was an attempted delivery?..they also used to
> > leave a note to say they had tried to deliver it in your post box, for
> > TWO WEEKS! so i dont believe a word you tell me, just like Margit
> > (she also sent back Noels presents unopened) you cheat my child our of
> > having my presents , part of your clever "parental alienation syndrome
> > " (PAS) tactics..one day you will answer for CRIMES against him and me!
> >
> > annika, you PUNISH you own child!!! ???? how sick!
> >
> > you dont encourage contact with me OR his sister..you are deranged!
> >
> > what type of monster have you become?
> >
> > …..& hide him from me, fill him with your bias…& you give me NO
> > information about his life…you are a disgusting violation of
> > humanity, and one day your "theft" will be punished !!! in the true
> > sense of COSMIC law you are GUILTY!
> >
> > you are a misery! you dont deserve to have a child! SHAME ON YOU! when
> > I diemy spirit shall haunt you through eternity!
> >
> > p.s. I suppose you ALSO dont give him the email I sent about LFC TV
> > ..so you can continue your anti Chris , anti-male propaganda?
> >
> > > Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 19:41:05 +0200
> > > From: info@theater-lust.de
> > > To: eured@live.nl
> > > Subject: no package and problems with certified letter
> > >
> > > Hi Chris,
> > >
> > > just to inform you:
> > >
> > > No package arrived yet. Once there was a package tried to be delivered
> > > (18.8.), adressed to Leon Smith. But as it was sent as a certified
> > > letter (Einschreiben) the person in the house who cared for our post
> > was
> > > not allowed to receive it!! After seven days, when we were still in
> > > holidays, the post office sends Einschreiben back. I tried to find out
> > > if this package came from you or from Liverpool, but the post does not
> > > register the sending adress. So I do not know where it was sent to.
> > > Better do not sent things as a "Einschreiben".
> > >
> > > Annika

10914 Tuesday

a lazy start,

usual replies to "anon" & the various FB/emails etc..then

some "garden therapy"…

cut the grass (again) , weeded & watered..

its looking goo, and I am feeling fine, start running gain…


CS>a lack of respect, and a lack on intelligence, because If I met someone with my experience when I was young I would be "hungry" …(snip)
I am angry about all women, modern women play stupid games..and heartless women like my 14-year old sons german mother ..I received the birthday presents I sent to him on his birthday, returned unopened..one of many examples…never mind about "image" learn respect ..and honesty..much more important..dont come around, I prefer to be alone than to be "disrespected"


10913 monday

got to bed sometime between 03/04hrs

Bit of a hangover from "Delboys" …

more time on emails /FB ref SoS/Lfc etc – I am spending 4-6 hrs a day on the " Internet Battle for the soul of Liverpool"..

and reviewed the LFC game @ brum…no reason to change my view of Lfc , on or off the pitch…the "spin" coming out of the club & the "cover up" by the media  is incredible!

10912Sun 10912

ON-going FB "discussion" with "Mr. Anon of Help Save LFC"….

You have been given every opportunity to have your say Chris. Nobody has prevented that at all.
This is about putting private coversations you have had into the public domain.
If you are doing that with the permission of the other …party involved then there’s no problem.
Do you have their permission or do you honestly believe it’s purely your decision to make?
As I said, if you continue to do this without permission you will most definately be banned from here.
Maybe that’s what you are looking for as you seem to get banned from everywhere you go.
Playing the victim and the martyr seems to suit your agenda.


 ok "mr anon" …I will not be "silenced" whether you choose to ban me or not, its YOu thats carried away with his own importance…I will do what I must with or without you..and yes, when its a case of posting items relevant to the theme "help save Lfc" (when others post trival BS on here ..!) I will do so until you "ban me" ..i really couldnt care less what you do because you already identified YOUR "agenda" ..its called apathy!

p.s as you (and the SoS solicitor) are so naive about such matters, I will explain ; that ANYone who write to me about LFC, without previously MUTUALLY agreeing a "confidentiality agreement" cannot then later cry that the content is not "in the public interest"
& 😉
"I would never want to belong to a club that allows someone like me to be a member" (groucho) 😉 bye bye!


Suggested to the  "Wildkids couple " that we go out for a little drink (mentioned when we had coffee in the week) and suggested Nens Mum (S) comes too, she had already been out having coffee & a drink with her ex-colleagues in the "Centar" so we 3 taxied there, hard work, her english is limited and the "couple" were full of each other "chocky-kissing"…so I suggested we shoudl go to "delboys" (pub decked out like the Nags Head pub in "only fools & horses" ..a favourite place of mine during the first monthy here in "Monty"…Slavko & Jelena gave me a dirty look, but DJ Slobo was in good form and when the other 3 suddenly decided to go, I decided to stay, got a bit drumk but it took a few hours, and I had some fun "co-pilot to DJ Slobo"..<smile>



Natha, the mass of people are dumbed down by biased media & politicians etc who thrive on dividing people..the USA cant justify a trillion dollar military budget without having an "enemy" ..the average person, be it concerning general news …or our own "lfc story" is fed "fast food" media and hasnt got the sense to stop and balance things more deeply…thought you might also be interested in this link and what pepe says (too many so-called "fans" lashed out at Pepe after a rare mistake and Masch when he left)

Watched build up & game @ Brum (LfcTV/Internet)

Man of the Match, world class, commanding in the area, if he continues to improve he will surpass Clem as the best LFC goalie ever!

Really wish "our kid" had rested last summer…..Del Bosque is a FOOL!

10911 Saturday

seems like a  plague of flies…I feel like a killing machine, carrying a sort of "AA" (anti-aircraft) cloth, ,<smile>so I disinfect the whole living room, wash the floor..

friday  10910

"(CS)when I look at this planet & most of the people on it, It reminds me of  Star Trek’s Spock saying…."its Life Jim,  …..but not as WE know it"…and I feel like singing the lyrics from "Monty Python’s…meaning of life"….(?) ..

The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding
In all of the directions it can whizz
As fast as it can go, at the speed of light, you know,
Twelve million miles a minute, and that’s the fastest speed there is.
So remember, when you’re feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth,
And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space,

…………’Cause there’s bugger all down here on Earth. !!!

thurs 10909

Media Bias…

…espn (tv) – 1998  review…espn dontt even mention Lfc when talking about the status of teams
like in the "games that swung both ways" mentioned 4-4 everton & 4-3 loss to palace (FA cup) but not istanbul ..and in the 2005 review spent less than half a minute on the CL final but a special section on Maureen & Mancs..(glazer?)…run by mancs & cockneys…(almost all TV accents are cockney or manc?)

bit cloudy, lent Nen my Laptop…so I watched TV


wed 10908

(FB/email) ….

the problem today is to wake up those "good men"  – i think many have been  "dumbed down" by social apathy & media "spin"  into silence..still sometimes its funny(ironic)  being one of the "odd ones" ..some people are determined to "alien-hate" me for telling the truth, the profile pic reminds me of the "Life of Brian" scene…when Brian is being crucified "Reg & the resistance" decide…to hold a meeting! 😉


a Lot of emailos with Sam & Graham ("solicitor") of SoS …now Graham AND sam "insulted"..
but when I ask them to explain what exactly I wrote that was WRONG, they dont reply!!! <smile>

Nen cane round and invited me for coffee with him , Marko & "Wildkid" …(am I playing "cupid" now ? <smile> ..

added to Blog International media release…

Contacted the "Balkan REDS" ref "party train to matches"

"I suggest that this is "members" party ..to avoid waste of effort & money…anyone who wants to come pays a "deposit" of e10 to Lfc Serbia (Ivan K?) ..by October then we can secure a group rate?"


the  living room flooded (heavy rain)…AGAIN!


Tues 10907

Horoscope:  ChriS,
Listen to your intuition where it comes to your health, wellness or daily schedule today. If you push yourself too hard on your chores you may find you are a tad clumsy or accident-prone because you want to push through

Monday 10906

lot of time withg SoS/Helop save LFC stuff…

Lfc..is "up" I fear for the future, with G & H, broughton & Purslow ruining the club, bit by bit, the lack of action by SoS, and the sheer stupidity of many "fans" who swallow the "spin" coming out of Anfield & the media BS! …40+ years of Liverpool support & memories rdanaged …apart from that I am great!

this is what I hope..

LIVERPOOL supporters make a threat to LFC, to wond-up "Kop football" (G & H company) …re-launch a "new Lfc" , with a high court injunction that forces G & H to repay Moores..

then WE make a 10 year purchase arrangement to transfer 100% of shares into the names of the true REds supporters (worldwide) and then trade off the banks by given them 25-30 % of the shares..thus removing the debt..

out go all the current board and we employ effective managers on & off the firled that will PROFIT from having a million + fans worldwide instead of being exploited by another version of G & H..

but who listens , people have been dumbed down by apathy & lack of ambition,

"Spirit of Shankly" ???.  I seem to be the only one banking that drum!

rant over!

 sorry you asked <smile> ?


sept 05  sunday

when I was a kid I captained our local team, and always wore the 6 shirt..I use to dream I was Em ..I tried to play like him, ….Em with Shanks…when they left Lfc ..something special , an energy & enthusiam started to go, and if We dont re-kindle that spirit now, it will be gone forever!
"„A very great vision is needed andthe person who has it must follow it as the Eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky."( Tashunkewitko – Crazy Horse)

sept 04 sat

I loaded up the Blog with a special tribute to someone who should be in any L:fc "hall of fame" the best captain we ever had; he was "Shanks on the pitch"…

(Carla ref Bilja) …so thanks (CH!) for telling me who has been b*tching behind my back..I suspected as much for a long time..

"they didnt care about Rafa..
,,they arent True RED fans"
I will never invite them..
while i stay in Balkan lands"

2nd hand & 2-faced…dont understand the ethics of being a SUPPORTer


I also loaded up the tribute to Shanks & Carra (testemonial) ,



You really want to make some big changes, but you are not sure what to do just yet. You may spend some time at home today building up some part of your home or property. You may have some frustration with some paperwork or legal documentation today.


CC: <zreds.ze@gmail.com>
Onderwerp: My10904 E.L.S.U.N Re: MyPod 10520 ChriS – Ceri FAW /sept 2010 ;  Montenegro (wag the Dog)
Datum: 04 September 2010 11:10

Dear Ceri
your ignorance in avoiding an answer to my  request resulted  in my waking
JOHN TOSHACK, yesterday, from  his afternoon siesta @ his hotel yesterday,
as after YOUR faitlure to reply to my many requests ,I had to play
"detective" and go hunting for your travelling WFA group..

The true football supporter, is I believe the worst treated "customer" in
global sport/business, we follow our teams heroes around the world "through
wind & rain" getting ripped off by airlines, travel companies, hotels, taxi
drivers, barmen et al…and at a more "subtle level" the various "Football
associations" from the english FA, the "Barclays Premiere League" through to
UEFA, & FIFA violate our (basic equal constitutional) rights on a regualr
basis, with arrogance and distain for us, who created their incomes since
"footy" began…but now that "sponsors" , political & corporate dictate
tothe media & the masses how to live, we are " nuisance" …to be "suffered"
…even those who PRETEND to represent us like the "Football Supporters
Federation" (fSf) & their European officers @ "FSE" ..only pay "lip service"
and cow-tow to the disgusting "status quo" of the football supporter today!

btw- I have never been an "autograph hunter" believing in general that one
should never meet ones "heroes" in person, and the above was only the 3rd
time i have had a "close encounter" and each occassion sadly confirms my

but that situation is coming to an end…E.L.S.U.N not only takes on board
the (many) complaints of the "REds" who arguably have the largest and most
vociferous travelling support in Europe but will oppose, argue & fight for
OUR UNION members equal rights not only in the ECHR & international courts
but by boycotts & class actions, (peaceful) demonstrations & blockades for
all supporters & the public at large ..sure, "apathy" and commercial
obsessions are against us, but as proven always in history even "the few"
can move the many…and "wag the Dog"…


"Balkan REDS"
E.L.S(o) Union NETWORK
S47, Toloshi,
81102 Podgorica


FB /Jo
another "strange weekend" for me _ btw

I spoke to JOhn Toshack yesterday, I woke him up from his siesta at the Welsh team hotel – he now has a "Lfc Serbia meeting @ Stara-P with Balkan REDS" t-shirt! <smile>

and I was supposed to meet a couple (Serbian Lfc fans) today @ a Liverpool pub in a place called "Bar" where we had our first "Balkan REDS " meeting in May ..but his mobile is dead and so I didnt go..as I couldnt confirm where & when to meet ..and the pub owner isnt replying either, its the "cia" blocking me again 😉

I just now (19h) got the sms from Ivan he seems to have sent yesterday and the one he sent an hour ago (from Ivan) its too late now tp get changed and get down to bar, I have sent Ivan another sms to say they visit me in Pg tomorrow if they want..and to call me on my home number (not mobile +382 20 280 702)…his battery was dead ..so thats why i didnt get his messages,,,pity, because I wanted to show them the Liverpool pub in Bar…but something wrong with the connections..again! (the pub owner also didnt answer me!)

sept 03 friday

I picked up 2 tickets from the Brit embassy for the game Montenegro v Wales , took fellow "Balkan RED" (Veli) we sat with the mixture of locals & Welsh fans who had travelled across europe, via Dubrovnik, Zagreb, or Belgrade..true supporters ..not appreciated by the various football associations FA, UEFA or Fifa..I had tried to get us a meeting with the (EX-LFC player) Welsh team manager  but the welsh FA press officer (Ceri) didnt reply..surprise <smile> …so I woke "Tosh" from his siesta and  he now has an LFC Serbia/Balkan Reds souvenir t-shirt!!!



a) have you read the basic articles of the ECHR & UDHR (universal declaration of human rights)
b) it may be late , but never too late to apply the simply articles contesting every example
of vioation, stop dealing with symptoms attack the cause (which is that every local government is violating y-our (equal) rights,,
c)I wont join your group or anyother, no matter how wonderful it claims to be, there are too many groups…it wastes time because people arent connected they spend too much time looking at different groups so we defeat ourselves
d) realise that public opinion is against us, BUT i F ALL men stood up, and (peacefully said NO! we can change it..there are too many cowards..(remember what Ghandi achieved , without violence!)
e) Ghandi promoted non-violent resistance, by refusing to participate, so if a government violates your (ECHR or UDHR) rights it is NOT legal so change your vocabulary ..if you act properly THEY are illegal…
DONT pay taxes to ILLEGAL governments , or child support – send gifts, clothes & food direct to the child…!
and when asked why…you can say, well "its my policy not to pay hostage takes" (which is what they are when they steal our children & then ask us to pay for it!)


sept 02 thursday

Early start

09h FB/Shanks Birthday…


Remembering the birth-day of the GREAT man , born on this day" thanks Shanks(& apologies for what the "suits" and the fickle fans are doing to y-our great club!)


Sept 1 wed

( I commented on the transfer Fiasco…my opposition to the "suits" OCCUPATION of Lfc goes on, I can only shudder and think this is on a par with being invaded & occupied by a Nazi government, who then use "propganda" to win over the mass)


after so many injuries & failure to play for Lfc (as his spanish team won euro 08 & WC10) Torres should be withdrawn (or withdraw himself)  from the spanish squad…& Lfc "fans" may now just be wakign up to the "hell" that they themselves caused "post-Rafa"…NOW you REALLY have something to moan about!

(ref Shanks) great man, beyond question, treated badly by Lfc – & the same negativity lives in the Lfc "office" today…unfortunately despite our unions name, no-one in LP has really shown the true "Spirit of Shankly" , we are in a war with sharks and need to FIGHT for the club we love , yet sometimes when I look at the apathy & comments of some "fans" I wonder f they are worth fighting for!

10901CS>.M, showed"prejudice"  (living in nearby N.Sad ) as she didnt come to the Stara -P , LFC Serbia /Balkans REDS ; but then several "fans" (mosty fee-male ) didnt show up..I came back from Stara P/Beograd to "Monty" by bus. ..& .only Izzy apologiesed , Bilja was full of BS!…its was tiring having only slept a few hours (tx to Lucas ‘ s family ) but its a begining , helping spread the "word" and try to help "fans" to become true REdS SUPPORTers…so? 🙂



WE learnt that Lfc are part of Group K: Liverpool, Steaua Bucharest, Napoli, Utrecht

Matches will be played on September 16 and 30, October 21, November 4, December 1/2 and 15/16.

The month started with a change..no surprise …I changed my ezjet booking, I have complained that they charge me e60 for the change (thanks to the UEFA idiots & Lfc bad organisers) even though the tickets I exchanged them for normally are more than 60 euros CHEAPER, but of course they send me down the "complaints maze" that modern busines now sets up..

I will probably give my match ticket away as part of the ELSUN protest/boycott and instead meet some people , a birthday girl…<smile>..mind you the ticket office will probably send my members ticket to the WRONG address, as usual!

if shes not been "got at" in the meantime by the "cia" ("c*nts, idiots & a*seholes")
"They " are now trying to "own" OUR LIVERBIRD!!!

added …about the "culture of capital"…

several years ago the city I consider my "hometown" was granted the status of (European) "Capital of Culture" (08) several billions of euros were pumped into the city..and gleaming new shops, conference centres & museums, cafes & night clubs now adorn the city sky-line…but what is the "culture" of LIVERPOOL?

for me, it is the people, the "scousers" I grew up with in the 60’s ran with , hitched with, bunked with , fought for & the team I worshipped through the glory decade of the seventies tainted by disasters in the eighties…

in the "90’s" … the "Premiereship" brought the commercial fundementalism into english league football it was alien to Liverpool, the "Liverpool way" of Bill Shankly started being eaten away…

in recent years football HAS BEEN SO(U)LD OUT, & LIVERPOOL footbal club & especially the things that make Lfc UNIQUE, the supporters , and there are people abroad , all over the world, I know, who are as "fathful" to the Liverpool way, as those I stood with on the "Spion KOP" (a standing area where 25,000 or so true supporters stood and sung and urged, with all their heart & soul the team that plays in RED) are in extreme danger..

Liverpool is now more about the "Culture of CAPITAL"

The people of this world in  general have lost their way, and I fear the "titanic" will be sunk, completely lost with "all souls" unless a stand is taken against the "culture of capital" and its ONE reason (there are many other "personal" reasons that should be clear to anyone who ever reads my blog) that the battle for LFC MUST be won, and that LIVERPOOL , the city, the people and the club becaome a TRUE "capital of (local & global) CULTURE"…